Enable document templates

You must enable the Document Management to generate output documents for any of the Infor Financials and Supply Management solutions.

This table shows the forms that you can enable in Document Management to generate output documents:

Form Output document
Billing Company
  • Billing Invoice
  • Invoice Register
  • Invoice and Register Print
  • Order Entry Daily Shipment Journal
Cash Payment Format
  • Payables Payment Output Check
  • Payables Payment Output Remittance Advice
  • Payables Payment Output Wire Transfer
Contract Classification / Contract Subclassification
  • Contract Document
  • Contract Redline Document
  • Addendum Document
Intercompany Billing Group Intercompany Billing
Inventory Company
  • Requisition
  • Warehouse Bill of Lading
  • Warehouse Packing List
  • Warehouse Pick List
  • Warehouse Proof of Delivery
Payables Company
  • Payables Chargeback
  • Payables Debit Memo
  • Letter of Retention
Project Federal Financial Report
Project Contract
  • Project Invoice
  • Project Invoice Reversal
Purchasing Company
  • Purchase Order
  • Receiving Delivery and Putaway
Receivables Company
  • Advanced Dunning Letter
  • Basic Dunning Letter
  • Receivable Statement
  • Payment Request Notice
  • EFT Notification Print
  • Receivable Invoice
Vendor Group
  • Vendor Statement
  • US1099 Form

See Document template setup, for the corresponding fact sheets, and XML files for each output document.