Creating an invoice using customer order

Use this procedure for Argentina.

  1. Select Supply Management > Item and Order Billing Processing > Manage Orders > Customer Orders.
  2. Specify all details of the customer order: Taxes, add on charges, certification details.
  3. Release the order.
  4. Run Warehouse Pick List Print.
    1. Select Supply Management > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse Picklist and Print.
    2. Complete the parameters and click OK.
      The shipment is created.
  5. Release the shipment.
    1. Select Supply Management > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse Processing > Shipments,
    2. Release the shipment
  6. Run Order Entry Daily Shipment Journal.
    1. Select Supply Management > Item and Order Billing Processing > Create Item and Order Billing Processes > Order Entry Daily Shipment Journal.
      Billing Invoice is created with a status of Released.
  7. Run these batch jobs:
    • Invoice Verification Report
    • Invoice and Register Print
    • Sub System Update Successfully
  8. Work Units is triggered.
    1. Sign in as Process Server Administrator and select Administration > Work Units.
  9. A SyncInovice BOD is triggered to Infor Localization Services and is validated against the particular format. A record in LSP is created for the invoice that was generated.