Asset Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Add Project field onto the Asset Projection Report

Add an Asset project field to the report.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Asset Projection Report

To test the enhancement:

  1. Run the Asset Projection report for Assets that have Asset Project associated with them.
  2. Run the report with the CSV option as "Dtl Grp only".
  3. Verify that the Asset Projection Detail Report contains the Project value.


Enhance the Depreciation Recalculation job to include a "Depreciation End Date" parameter

Adding "Depreciation End Date" parameter to Depreciation Recalculation job.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AM580Am580sort.busclass
  • AssetBookRecalculation.busclass
  • CalculateAnnualDepreciation.busclass
  • DepreciationRecalculation.bustask
  • DepreciationRecalculation.rpt
  • DepreciationRecalculation.bustask
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

To test the enhancement:

  1. When the 'Depreciation End Date' option is set to YES, it should recalculate the 'Depreciation End Date' based on the life remaining value if the recalculate 'Life Remaining' Release option is set to NO
  2. If Recalculate 'Life Remaining' Release option is set to YES then the Depreciation end date is calculated by adding the life to Depreciation Start Date. The Depreciation End Date being used in the depreciation calculations for identifying when the asset's depreciation is in the last year of service or it is completely depreciated.
