BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Changes on MASS BOD screen for FSM-MSCRM integration

Program/business class/process affected:
  • bl/BODDataInitialLoad
  • ui/BODDataInitialLoad
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. On the Finance Enterprise Group, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. In the Service Definition, define the Service and processes.
  3. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Shared Processes > Integrations. Click Mass BOD Publish.
  4. Open Mass BOD Publish.
  5. Create record.
  6. Select Type as "Integration Wise" and select Integration as "MSCRM." The list of BODs are displayed.
  7. Trigger the list of BODs individually by selecting respective criteria.
  • Sync.CustomerPartyMaster Outbound BOD
  • Sync.BillToPartyMaster Outbound BOD
  • Sync.ShipToPartyMaster Outbound BOD
  • Sync.ContactMaster Outbound BODt (ContactMaster AR)
  • Sync.ItemMaster Outbound BOD
  • Sync.CodeDefinition Outbound BOD(Territory)
  • Sync.CodeDefinition Outbound BOD (UOM)


Expense Report with Cross Allocation and Split Allocation with multiple entities

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound
  • New Required Setup: No
  • New IPA Changes:
    • In Start node, added variables "idx5","textName5","textValue5","MultipleAE"
    • In "Assign7160" and "Assign3680" nodes added JavaScript code for getting Accounting Entity value:

      if ExpenseReport/ExpenseReportLine/ExpenseAllocation/Classification/type is "CostCenterSegments", reading the value from ExpenseReport/ExpenseReportLine/ExpenseAllocation/Classification/Codes/Code sequence = "1" and passed to ExpenseManagementInterfaceDetail.FinanceStructure.ToAccountingEntity and ExpenseManagementInterfaceAllocation.FinanceStructure.ToAccountingEntity

    • Changed AccountingEntity="<!accountingEntity>" to AccountingEntity="<!SplitAccountingEntity>" in SyncExpenseLine node.
    • Added CleanDocumentID changes in "Assign3680" for Accounting Entity.
  • Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to CSF-XM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    • In the Finance Enterprise Group, verify that the BODtrigger check box is selected.
    • In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound.
  2. How to Test:
    • When the ExpenseReport is processed form XM side, "ExpenseManagementStagingHeader" and "ExpenseManagementStagingDetail" are created and is moved to "ExpenseManagementInterfaceHeader" with line records in "ExpenseManagementInterfaceDetail".
    • BOD will trigger and Work unit will be generated successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncExpenseReport_Inbound BOD.
  3. Verify the result: if ExpenseReport/ExpenseReportLine/ExpenseAllocation/Classification/type is "CostCenterSegments", reading the value from ExpenseReport/ExpenseReportLine/ExpenseAllocation/Classification/Codes/Code sequence = "1" and passed to ExpenseManagementInterfaceDetail.FinanceStructure.ToAccountingEntity and ExpenseManagementInterfaceAllocation.FinanceStructure.ToAccountingEntity


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery.

Program/business class/process affected:
  • JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.
  • FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content\SampleDocumentTemplate.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management >Shared Processes >Sample Document Template.
  2. Open Sample Document
  3. On the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.
  4. On the Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment.


Implement Clean Document ID solution for ProcessSalesOrder_In

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessSalesOrder_Inbound
New Required Setup:
  • Set Configuration Paramenter IsMultipleFEG = Y/N
  • Set Configuration Paramenter RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y/N
  • CrossReference used: "DESTAEVSCSFGLC"

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • Added new configuration parameter "RequiredCleanDocumentID" and assigned to "ConfigDocID".
  • Added new configuration parameter "IsMultipleFEG" and assigned value "ConfigFEG".
  • Added new variables in start node :ReferenceID, CustomerOrderLineNum, COStatus, CORStatus, actionCode.
  • Added new queries: COFind, COUpdate, COLineFind, COLineUpdate, CancelOrder,CORFind,COLineCreate.
  • Added Branch condition "Branch7470". Based on the condition in this branch, CustomerOrder is Created/Updated/Cancelled.

Integration Specific: NO

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup for testing:
    • In Finance Enterprise Group, verify that the "BODtrigger" check box is selected.
    • In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessSalesOrder_Inbound.
    • Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
    • Set the values in System Configuration for RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y and IsMultipleFEG = N/Y
    • Pass "SOURCECOMPANY" and "CSFLOCATION" values in Cross Reference : INBOUNDCSFLOCATION
  2. How to Test:
    • When the BOD is processed, Work Unit is triggered.
    • CustomerOrder is Created/Updated/Cancelled.
  3. Verify the result:
    • Using ReferenceID from SalesOrderHeader/DocumentID/ID and company, find CustomerOrderOrder record is available or not
  1. If ActionCode = "Add", if CustomerOrder record count = 0, CustomerOrder with CustomerOrderLines is Created.
  2. If ActionCode = "Replace/Change", if CustomerOrder record count >0 , Status = "Open", and CustomerOrder is in "Unreleased" state then CustomerOrder with CustomerOrderLines is Updated.
  3. If ActionCode = "Replace/Change", if CustomerOrder record count >0 , Status = "Deleted" ,and CustomerOrder is in "Released" state then CustomerOrder with CustomerOrderLines is Cancelled.


Implement Clean Document ID solution for SyncInvoice_Out

Program/business class/process affected:
  • File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

New Required Setup: No

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes made
    • Start node : Added ConfigDocID,ConfigFEG,GLCCompany,CustomerPartyID,DebtorPartyID,Temp_VendorAddress_StateProvince and ItemID_XML variable.
    • Branch9810:Added Branch condition for ConfigDocID as Y or N.
    • Added Assign3400:For ConfigDocID - Y scenario.
    • Branch5930:Added branch - CrossAccountingEntity empty go to ARH transaction node for Updatebodidfields or if value exist go to GetCompanyDetails node.
    • Assign9750:if ConfigDocID == "Y" RGToAE =Accountingentity
    • Assign2780:if ConfigDocID == "Y" RGToAE =Accountingentity
    • Assign9850:Temp_VendorAddress_StateProvince assigned VEN_VendorAddress_StateProvince
    • Assign1740:Added javascript for ConfigDocID - Y related changes .For PayFromPartyID,CustomerPartyID,document1,DebtorPartyID,ShipToPartyID, RemitToParty_XML,CreditorParty_XML,VendorItem_XML,ShipToParty_XML
    • Assign5720:Added javascript for ConfigDocID - Y related changes. ShipToPartyLine_XML,ItemID_XML,BLLineShipFromPartyLocation,ShipToPartyIDGRC and BL_CustomerOrder.
    • Assign7240:Added javascript for ConfigDocID for ItemDocID
    • Assign6720:ifConfigDocID == "Y" ,TEMP_DistAE =Accountingentity
    • Assign100:ifConfigDocID == "Y" ,TEMP_DistAE =Accountingentity
    • XML6640:Added ItemID_XML.

Integration Specific: No. These changes are related to CleanDocumentID solution.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the "BODtrigger" check box is selected.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.
  4. In System configuration, perform set up for MultipleFEG and RequiredCleanDocumentID
    • Is MultipleFEG =N and RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y
    • Is MultipleFEG =Y and RequiredCleanDocumentID=Y
    • In Cross Reference provide the value respectively as per the above mentioned System configuration setup.
      • CrossReference Code:CSFGLCVSDESTAE
      • Source:CSFGLC
      • Destinition:DESTAE
  5. Create BillingInvoice provide customer order value and release it.
  6. Execute InvoiceVerificationReport
  7. Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint
  8. Execute SubSystemUpdate
  9. ReceivableInvoice will create with released state.
  10. BOD is triggered and Work unit will generate successfully for CleanDocumentID changes.


Pass Accounting Entity value in Acknowledgment BOD

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessContactMaster_Inbound.lpd

New Required Setup:No

New Variable Added in JSON:No

New IPA Changes:
  • Passed Ae in node Build_ACK_BOD.

Integration Specific:No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    • Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_ProcessContactMaster_Inbound.lpd
    • Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to Test:
    • When the BOD is processed, CompanyCustomerContact is Created or Updated or Deleted based on ActionCode.
  3. Verify the Result:
    • Passed Accounting Entity value in Acknowledgment BOD for ProcessContactMaster_In


Pass Accounting Entity value in Acknowledgment BOD

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessShipToPartyMaster_Inbound.lpd

New Required Setup:No

New Variable Added in JSON:No

New IPA Changes: Passed Ae in node Build_ACK_BOD.

Integration Specific: No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    • Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_ProcessShipToPartyMaster_Inbound.lpd
    • Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to Test:
    • When the BOD is processed, CustomerShipTo is Created or Updated or Deleted based on ActionCode.
  3. Verify the Result:
    • Passed Accounting Entity value in Acknowledgment BOD for ProcessShipToPartyMaster_In


Pass Accounting Entity value in Acknowledgment BOD

Passed AccountingEntity value in Acknowledgment BOD.

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessBillToPartyMaster_Inbound.ipd

New Required Setup: No new setup is required.

New Variable Added in JSON: No new variables added.

New IPA Changes: Added AccountingEntity value in AccountingEntityID X-Path in Acknowledgment BOD.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    • Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_ProcessBillToPartyMaster_Inbound.ipd
    • Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
  2. How to Test:
    • When the BOD is processed, CustomerBillTo is Created or Updated or Deleted based on ActionCode.
  3. Verify the Result:
    • X-Path in Acknowledgment BOD DataArea/Acknowledge/AccountingEntityID --AccountingEntity


Pass Alternate document ID value in SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:
  • FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out.lpd
  • SalesOrderJSON.txt

New Required Setup: No new setup is required

New Variable Added in JSON: Added variable "Reference1" and referred it to as "COReference1"

New IPA Changes:
  • Added new variable "AlternateDocID" in start node.
  • if (COReference1 !=""){AlternateDocID = COReference1;} in COR_VARIABLES Assign node.
  • Passed "AlternateDocID" value in header X-Path.

Integration Specific: Not integration specific.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "CustomerOrderService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out".
  3. Create CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine with value in "Reference1" variable.
  4. Release CustomerOrder.
  5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD.
  6. Verify the Result:
    • Verify the following X-Path values: SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/AlternateDocID/ID -- CustomerOrder.Reference.


V10 Payroll to FSM Global Ledger Interface Performance

Program/business class/process affected:
  • FSM_ION_ProcessSourceSystemJournalEntry_Inbound.lpd
New IPA Changes:
  • Modified "Use Data View" from Default to NO.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. By enabling it so, Now the Work unit frequency is increased than before.
