
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add new IPA flow for Redistribute Labor for the Project Resource role.

Add ability for Project Resource to access processed labor and correct actual salary percentages and submit for approval/request redistribution. Enhancement will include adding IPA flow routing to Project Manager for approval.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • New approval flow, LaborRedistributionApproval, must be setup in service definitions

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Required setup – The labor distribution approval flag must be checked on the enterprise project structure. Project Employee must have redistribution approver entered.
  2. Test project employee enter redistribution and submit for approver.
  3. Test approver approve or reject via inbasket.

Dependencies: New approval flow, LaborRedistributionApproval, must be setup in service definitions.


Add new menu Redistribute Labor and homepage icon/link to Project Resource role.

Add ability for project employee to initiate cost transfer request to processed labor.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Add new menu Redistribute Labor and homepage icon/link to Project Employee role.
  • Add new processed labor list/form which allows the Project Resource to access processed labor history and enter adjustments to actual salary percentages and submit for approval.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Login as Project Employee and ensure new Redistribute home page icon and menu My Redistribute Labor list are available.
  2. Click link and ensure processed labor list exists.
  3. Open record and enter actual percentage adjustments and click action to approve or submit for approval.

Dependencies: Grant Accounting Labor Distribution


Add partially billed transactions list to Project Contract menu

Partially billed transactions list was added to Project Contract menu. Add to project administrator, project accountant and project manager roles. Gives visibility to partially billed transactions above the contract level.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectAccountantContractsPage
  • ProjectAdministratorContractsPage
  • ProjectManagerContractsPage
  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectManagerTeamContractPage
  • Employee

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Partially billed transactions list was added to Project Contract menu.
  2. Add to project administrator, project accountant and project manager roles. Gives visibility to partially billed transactions above the contract level


Do not delete ProjectContractInvoiceError records when generate invoice or revenue actions are run

If an error is encountered when journalizing a project contract invoice or revenue and error record is created but that error record is deleted the next time you generate an invoice or revenue. Now the error record will not be deleted. This will preserve invoicing and revenue errors (ES) indefinitely. Allowing users to track down ES entries generated by Projects more easily.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContractInvoice

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Journalize a project contract invoice or revenue that will create an error. The error record is created.
  2. Generate an invoice or revenue.
  3. Verify that the error/error record is not deleted.


Invoice summarization enhancement - Summarize Project Invoice by bill rate for T&M and Rate Table billing methods

If the invoice period includes more than one billing rate for the resource/dimension (e.g. Billing rate changes mid-month, mid-invoice period), clients want a single invoice - but want the invoice to summarize or print by billing rate.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectContractInvoice
  • ProjectContractInvoiceSummary

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Validate if the invoice period includes more than one billing rate for the resource/dimension (e.g. Billing rate changes mid-month, mid-invoice period), that a single invoice is created but the invoice is summarize or print by billing rate.

Dependencies: Rate Table or T&M billing method must used in order to summarize by billing rate.
