Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Allow project contract funding source to be 0 if inactive

Allow ability to change the funding source amount to $0 if inactive. Also allow to change the percent to 0. There is an edit that the funding source cannot be less than the amount invoiced or retainer total.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Validate that you can to change the funding source amount to $0 if inactive. Also allow to change the percent to 0. There is an edit that the funding source cannot be less than the amount invoiced or retainer total


Project Invoice edit line add constraint for hold remainder boolean

Project Invoice edit line add constraint for hold remainder boolean. The Hold Remainder boolean on edit the invoice line should only be checked if you want to hold the deferred remaining amount and have checked that boolean as well.

In addition, if the edit line is reverted, the basis amount also needed to be reverted to the original amount.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project contract invoice edit line

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On a project contract invoice in draft status, edit an invoice line to be a lesser amount. Do not check the boolean to defer the remainder, but check the boolean to hold the remainder. Will get an error message. You cannot hold without deferring the remainder.
  2. When reverting the edited invoice line, both the invoice amount and the basis amount should return to the original amount that was on the invoice before editing the line.


Suppress Zero Rows on project reports.

For the project obligation, project variance, project period comparison, contract percent complete and contract gross margin there is an option on the project reporting settings to suppress zero rows. If you select to suppress zero rows records with zero amounts will not be displayed.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project, ProjectReportingSetttings

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. For the project obligation, project variance, project period comparison, contract percent complete and contract gross margin there is an option on the project reporting settings to suppress zero rows. If you select to suppress zero rows records with zero amounts will not be displayed.


Exclude Undistributed Retained Earnings from project reports.

For the project obligation, project variance, project period comparison, contract percent complete and contract gross margin there is an option on the project reporting settings to exclude the undistributed retained earnings account. If you select to exclude the undistributed retained earnings account they will not be included in the totals.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project, ProjectReportingSettings

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. For the project obligation, project variance, project period comparison, contract percent complete and contract gross margin there is an option on the project reporting settings to exclude the undistributed retained earnings account. If you select to exclude the undistributed retained earnings account they will not be included in the totals.
