Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add ability to approve labor distribution prior to the end of the period

Cannot manually approve labor distribution prior to the end of the period.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Labor distribution approvals

Use this information to test the enhancement:

With labor distribution approvals enabled or disabled can approve or submit for approval a labor distribution in a future period.


Grant Accounting and Labor Distributions


Add ability to copy planned percentage to actual labor distribution percentage to Copy Labor actions

Customer has many employees where the Planned percent is always the same as Actual. The employees actual effort is the same for the entire project fiscal year. Enhancement they are requesting is the ability to copy the Planned percent to Actual percent.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Add a boolean "copy planned to actual" to the existing actions (individual and mass).

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add planned effort to existing record and save.
  2. Run the copy action and select the copy planned to actual field.
  3. Test for a single period, range of periods, individual copy, or copy all mass action.


Labor distribution


Add new list "all effort"

Customers want to search/query all employees effort for one or more periods in single list view. Added a new all effort. Modeled the new list after the "all labor" list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Added a new list "all effort" to the Effort Certification menu. The new list is accessible from the Project Accountant Effort Certification, Project Manager Search, and Project Administrator Search pages. It will also beis also available on the Project Certifier role in the My Employees Effort Certification menu.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Verify that the new all effort list is available for these roles on the Effort Certification menu:

  • The Project Accountant Effort Certification, Project Manager Search, and Project Administrator Search pages.
  • The Project Certifier role in My Employees Effort Certification menu.


Change Project assignment records for inactive employees

Currently, when an employee who was assigned multiple projects through a future date and then is terminated or resigns, the Project Administrator must open the employee project assignments manually to change the end date and then inactivate the employee.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Employee business class.

Created an action on the project employee to change all the project assignment end dates for the employee.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create multiple project assignments with future end dates for a project employee.
  2. Use the action to change all project assignment end dates.
  3. Validate all assignment end dates change.


Project Employees and Project Assignments


Enhance Journalize Indirect Burden action to skip records in error

Currently, the Journalize indirect burden action stops and generates an Async error when an error is encountered. Customers are asking us to enhance the action to skip errors and log errors.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Journalize Indirect Burdens action and ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction business class.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the journalize indirect burden action is enhanced so that records with are skipped and errors are logged on the ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction.
  2. Verify that transactions with no errors are processed and transactions with errors remain in a created status for the project accountant to resolve/correct.


Enhance Project Assignment lists to allow update of the end date field via list

Currently, in order to end assignments, the user must open the record and update the end date. This is time consuming if several assignment records need to be updated.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Assignment lists.

Currently, to end assignments, you must open the record and update the end date. This is time consuming if a number of assignment records need to be updated.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Access the Project Assignment lists.
  2. Verify that the end date can be updated on list.


Enhance SEFA worksheet by adding fund percent column and link to expenditures

Currently, the SEFA worksheet expenditures include 100% of total expenditures posted to the project contract. If the project contract funding source has multiple funding sources, total expenditure amounts is over inflated. This enhancement will add funded percent and derived expenditures column (total expenditures x funding source percent) to the report.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

SEFA Worksheet

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Run the SEFA worksheet. This enhancement will add funded percent and derived expenditures column (total expenditures x funding source percent) to the report. Also, a link has been added to the expenditure's column, so user has visibility to DrillAround to the actual expenditures included in total.


Grant funding source (FD2) is flagged include in SEFA report and project contract funding source is assigned to has multiple funding sources.


Update IDM FFR format

Updated IDM Federal Financial Report template

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:


Field l and field 13 are updated with the new text.

Check the factsheet for the updated changes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

New FFR pdf format has been delivered.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Save the new pdf.
  2. Run the FFR.
  3. Verify that the field descriptions are current.


Grant Accounting


Update FFR pdf format

The text for two fields has changed on the FFR:

Field l - Label changed

Field 13 - Certification text changed.


Add expense selection group parameter to Revenue to Expense Variance report filter

Add an individual action to labor distribution to unapprove labor for a period or range of periods. As part of this enhancement, the mass Unapprove Labor action is enhanced to include a range of periods.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Revenue to Expense Variance Report - Add ability to filter expenses by business class group (selection group). Business class group defines eligible expenditures

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Access the Revenue to Expense Variance report.
  2. Select the expense business class group.
  3. Verify that eligible expenses are calculated using the expense group filter.


Revenue does not require the select group because it exists on the project contract funding source


Add include in budget edit column to posting projects list

Customers need to see which projects are included in budget edit

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Posting project list

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in a Project Administrator and select Setup > Posting Project.
  2. Verify that the column for include in budget edit is available.


Allow reversals with restrictions

Reversal actions were not available if any draft records (invoice or revenue) existed. A reversal results in a draft record, it should be allowed under the same conditions that apply to generating new records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Reverse Invoices and Reverse Revenue actions

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that reversal actions are available. The same rules that apply to generating invoices and revenue will apply.
  2. To reverse revenue, no draft or created invoices can exist.
  3. To reverse invoices, no draft or created revenue can exist.


Project Invoicing and Revenue


Project Resource restrict available actions

All actions were available on My Employees Labor Distribution and Redistribution card view and lists.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Restricted actions on Project Resource - My Employees card view.
  • Open and Processed Labor Periods – Verify that only the same actions that the user has available to their own labor distribution are available.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Resource.
  2. On Employees card view, verify that no actions are available to the role.
  3. Open and Processed Labor Periods. Verify that only the same actions that the user has available to their own labor distribution are available. Verify that the Available actions include copy, submit for approval/approve, create assignment, view comments and change zero labor to processed.
  4. Open the Labor Periods tab. Remove encumbrances and distribute labor actions.
  5. Open the Process Labor Periods tab. Remove reverse labor distribution action.


Grant Accounting labor distribution
