Inventory Intelligence

The Inventory Intelligence solution is now available to use with the Financials & Supply Management suite of applications. Infor Inventory Intelligence for Financials & Supply Management provides your organization with data and tools to use science-driven replenishment parameters for your inventory. Inventory Intelligence incorporates algorithms that leverage your transaction history to actively and intelligently maintain stock.

Inventory Intelligence can help you to save costs by reducing unnecessary inventory, and improve service by reducing stockouts.

Infor Services has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to configure Inventory Intelligence and maximize the value of the module for your organization. We recommend that you engage Infor Services to assist in configuration.

See the Infor Supply Management Setup and Administration Guide for information about configuring the recommendations engine. See the Inventory Intelligence User Guide for information about managing inventory recommendations.

Before you install or update this product, create a database schema for Inventory Intelligence. The Inventory Intelligence solution requires Infor Landmark Technology version 11.0.35 (Terrace Park) and 11.1.4 (Pedro Park) or higher.
Note: Inventory Intelligence does not support the Oracle database.

Inventory Intelligence is available for multi-tenant clients in March, 2021 CU