d/EPM Analytics

Publish Budget to Financials should include new field in Budget Import Business Class

As part of the enhancement in FSM detailed in this ticket: (IEFIN-104641: Ability to zeroize budgets through budget import), the Publish Budget to Financials step in BI FSM should be revised to include the new field in Budget Import business class during the insert of budget records.

BudgetImport DB Change for IEFIN-104641:

Added field:

ClearBudget is Numeric size 1


No value is 0

AmountOnly value is 1

UnitsOnly value is 2

AmountAndUnits value is 3

The new field will always have a No (0) value coming from d/EPM Budgeting and Planning.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Application Engine Script affected: XiF_MT_TransferApprovedBudgetDataToCSF.bs

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

For MT-MT:

BudgetImport table should be empty

  1. Test Connection in Configuration Variable dashboard should be successful.
  2. Test Connection in Metadata and Structure Transfer wizard should be successful. Then click Start on the Financial Setup.
  3. Click Confirm and then proceed to next step. Steps 1-3 should be completed.
  4. Test Connection for Integration Budget Initialize should be successful.
  5. Click Start button for Create Budget wizard. Structure Update step is initiated.
  6. Select a Configuration Set.
    • Actuals copy to BPCMAIN is initiated.
    • Copy of exchange rates for 2017 period year is initiated.
  7. Proceed to next step in Creating a Budget.
  8. Approved Budget Data.
  9. Published approved Budget Data to FSM BudgetImport.
  10. Wizard Completed.

Budget Import should be populated. ClearBudget and DimensionCode fields should also have 0 and blank values respectively, which is what are the correct values.

For MT-ST:

  1. Create new Budget Scenario in FSM.
  2. Refresh DEPMDimensionMap, FinanceEnterpriseGroup, and GeneralLedgerTotal cubes.
  3. Start Metadata and Structure Transfer wizard. Test Connection in Metadata and Structure Transfer should be successful.
  4. Click Start on the Application Configuration wizard. Complete Steps 1-3. Then, click Finish button and complete the wizard.
  5. Start of Integration Budget Initialize. Test connection should be successful.
  6. Click Start for Create Budget wizard. Structure Update step should be completed.
  7. Select NewPackageCycle configuration set.
  8. Actuals copy to BPCMAIN for 2013 year and John Hancock entity should be initiated.
  9. Exchange Rates step should be initiated.
  10. Budget Change Transfer to d/EPM wizard should be initiated.
  11. Approved Budget. Published the approved budget to FSM.

Budget data should now be in the Budget Scenario that created earlier and records should have Clear Budget field set to No and DimensionCode field set to blank.

Then, Perform Set Ready action.
