User Experience

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Work Order Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Lists & Composite Forms (2)

Misc Cleanup of WorkOrder and related Business Classes forms.


  • Form title no longer says Work Order 0 upon creation.
  • Item moved below Work Order in context form.
  • Dates are now displayed in a paragraph.
  • Accounts now lie next to each other.
  • Comment List now shows Comment in Detail Field.


  • Form title no longer says Work Order Burden 0 upon creation.
  • Comment List now shows Comment in Detail Field.


  • Item moved below Work Order in context form.
  • Form title no longer says Work Order ByProduct 0 upon creation.
  • Item Field reduced in size.
  • Comment List now shows Comment in Detail Field.


  • Item moved below Work Order in context area.


  • Item moved below Work Order in context form.
  • Comment List now shows Comment in Detail Field.
  • Item and Location fields reduced in size.
  • Form title no longer says Work Order Item 0 upon creation.


  • Now Follows new UI standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • WorkOrder
  • WorkOrderBurden
  • WorkOrderByProduct
  • WorkOrderComment
  • WorkOrderItem

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. WorkOrder, WorkOrderBurden, WorkOrderByProduct, WorkOrderComment, WorkOrderItem and WorkOrderItemComment creation and maintenance.


Enable new SoHo 4 UX components in Payables

Uplift payables invoice form to utilize 4.0 controls.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice
  • APManagerInvoicesPage
  • XiAPSearchInoices
  • PayablesInvoiceAudit
  • PayablesInvoiceComment
  • PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • PayablesInvoiceDocument
  • PayablesInvoiceError
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PayablesInvoiceSpeedEntry

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

The payables invoice form has been uplifted to utilize 4.0 controls. All types of invoices should be processed to thoroughly test the uplift of the form. Below are the major changes:

  • Manage Invoices page - the Retrospective Invoices panel has been removed as this list is in the Process Payments menu and the Commitments panel has been moved to the Search Invoices page.
  • Payables invoice composite form - the panels have been restructured, the errors panel and budget errors panels have been combined to a new Warnings and Errors panel, the Spread Add On Charges and Misc Add On Charges for invoices and credit memos have been combined to new Add On Charges panels, Related Documents panel and Comments panel has been combined to a new Documentation panel and the Options, Discount, Rebate and Adjust Income panels have been removed.
  • Payables invoice context form – some fields have been changed and restructured also warning and error messages will appear as tags at the bottom of the context form.
  • Payables invoice panels – all types of invoices should be tested to verify all fields needed for processing are still available. The Main, Additional, Payment, Pay Schedule, Currency Amounts and Global panels should thoroughly be tested as the fields on those panels have been changed and restructured to utilize 4.0 controls. In the Distributions tab open a distribution record and verify the Distribution tab form is properly functioning as this has also been uplifted to utilize 4.0 controls.
  • This should also be tested in 3.5 to verify these UI changes will not disrupt their processes.

UI Changes:


  • APManagerInvoicesPage
  • XiAPSearchInvoices

Composite Forms:

  • PayablesInvoiceForm – PayablesInvoice
  • XiPayablesInvoiceForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceForm
  • PayablesInvoiceDistributionCompositeForm – PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • XiPayablesInvoiceDistributionCompositeForm – PayablesInvoiceDistribution – form no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceDistributionCompositeForm


  • PayablesInvoiceContextForm - PayablesInvoice
  • XiPayablesInvoiceContextForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceContextForm
  • PrimaryInvoiceContext - PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceContextForm
  • MainFormWithTemplate - PayablesInvoice
  • XiMainFormWithTemplate – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use MainFormWithTemplate
  • PrimaryOptionsForm – PayablesInvoice
  • XiAdditionalForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryOptionsForm
  • PrimaryMatchForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryOptionsForm
  • PrimaryPaymentForm – PayablesInvoice
  • XiPrimaryPaymentForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryPaymentForm
  • GLTransAmountsForm – PayablesInvoice
  • XiCurrencyForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use GLTransAmountsForm
  • PrimaryDiscountForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryOptionsForm
  • PrimaryRebateForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryOptionsForm
  • PrimaryMiscForm – PayablesInvoice
  • XiGlobalForm – PayablesInvoice – form no longer supported; please use PrimaryMiscForm
  • PayablesInvoiceDistributionContextForm – PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • XiPayablesInvoiceDistributionContextForm – PayablesInvoiceDistribution – form no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceDistributionContextForm
  • GLTransAmountsForm – PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • InvoicePaymentsContext – PayablesInvoicePayment


  • XiComments – PayablesInvoiceComment
  • XiPayablesInvoiceDocuments – PayablesInvoiceDocument
  • PaymentSchedules – PayablesInvoicePayment
  • XiPaymentSchedules – PayablesInvoicePayment – list no longer supported; please use PaymentSchedules
  • PayablesInvoiceDistributionsList – PayablesInvoiceDistribution
  • XiPayablesInvoiceDistributionsList – PayablesInvoiceDistribution – list no longer supported; please use PayablesInvoiceDistributionsList
  • PayablesInvoiceSpeedEntryList - PayablesInvoiceSpeedEntry


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Customer Order Return

Updated Customer Order Return form, list, and Customer Order Addon Charge form, to SOHO 4.0 UX standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrderReturn
  • CustomerOrderReturnAttachment
  • CustomerOrderReturnLine
  • CustomerOrderReturnLineAddOnCharges
  • CustomerOrderReturnLineAttachment
  • CustomerOrderReturnLineDetail
  • CustomerOrderAddOnCharge
  • OrderEntryAddOnCharge

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that Customer Order Return List has Status field on the list and Customer Return is labeled as Return Authorization Number.
  2. Verify Customer Order Return Composite Form has the context in theme color and three-column text format after the record is created.
  3. Verify that the fields on the form are editable. Verify that the Attachments pane has a detail section that shows Comments.
  4. Verify the Order Return Line Composite form has the context in these colors and fields in the display as text.
  5. Verify Add On Charges forms have a two-column distributed layout and fields are still editable to create records.


SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Context Form for Non Lease Components, Lease Import List, and Lease Interface List

SoHo 4 UX Uplift

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ExecutoryCostCode
  • ExecutoryCostCodeDetail
  • LeaseImport
  • LeasePaymentImport
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Functionality and layout of Non Lease Component, Lease Payment Import, and Lease Interface Lists.


Relabeled LazyProcessPending action and Warning Message, Budget Groups on Selective Activation, SOHO Compliance on Alert Message and NotReady selective activation templates

Relabel 'Lazy'-related display (fields, flags, and menu item) to provide a positive tone, have a straightforward and easy-to-understand label.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRecalculate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRemove.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. The Action and Warning Message for templates that require Lazy Process Pending have been relabeled and aligned with IEFIN-96029.
    1. Relabel the LazyProcessPending to Process Pending.
    2. Change the warning message from "Pending items exists. Run action 'Processing Pending'" to "Pending Member exists. Run action 'Process Pending".
  2. Menu item re-label from "Budget Groups on Selective Activation (Previously Prime Code Blocks for Lazy Activation)" to "Transactions For Selective Activation" since this can be from History and have Budget Data.
    1. Select Budget Documents > Transactions for Selective Activation.
    2. From Global Ledger, select Budgeting > Transactions for Selective Activation.
  3. Verify the pending alert message in Budget Template is showing correctly for selective activation templates and non-selective activation templates.
  4. Verify that NotReady selective activation templates have an activation bar on the template list from the budget main menu.
  5. Verify that the form header label has been changed:
    1. Pending Recalculate from "Pending" form header label to "Pending Recalculate'
    2. Pending Remove from "Pending" form header label to "Pending Remove"


Budget Analyst - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

SoHo 4 Uplift for Budget Analyst related screens.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLineComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditError.busclass
  • odules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupAmount.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotalLog.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImport.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImportResult.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetIncrementalLoad.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetLazyPrime.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateManual.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplatePending.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRecalculate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify functionality and usability of the Budget Analyst forms.


Budget Analyst - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization

SoHo 4 Uplift for Budget Analyst related screens.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLineComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditError.busclass
  • odules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupAmount.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotalLog.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImport.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImportResult.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetIncrementalLoad.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetLazyPrime.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateManual.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplatePending.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRecalculate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify functionality and usability of the Budget Analyst lists.


Budget Controller - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

SoHo 4 Uplift for Budget Controller related screens.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLineComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditError.busclass
  • odules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupAmount.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotalLog.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImport.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImportResult.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetIncrementalLoad.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetLazyPrime.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateManual.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplatePending.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRecalculate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify functionality and usability of the Budget Controller forms.


Budget Analyst - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization

SoHo 4 Uplift for Budget Controller related screens.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrder.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLine.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetChangeOrderLineComment.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditBatch.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetEditError.busclass
  • odules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroup.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupAmount.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetGroupTotalLog.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImport.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetImportResult.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetIncrementalLoad.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetLazyPrime.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateGroupTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateManual.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplatePending.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/BudgetTemplateRecalculate.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/Scenario.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify functionality and usability of the Budget Controller lists.


Inventory Manager- SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization

This is an enhancement to apply the List Action Standards for Inventory Manager role.

This change is limited to the following navigation:

  • Home Page - Dashboard - Quick Links lists
  • Home Page - Dashboard - Expanded lists of card views
  • Home Page - Items To Reorder
  • Sidebar Menu - Inventory Transactions
  • Sidebar Menu - Inventory Information

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Inventory Manager lists

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in and navigate to Inventory Manager.
  2. Review these lists::
    • Home Page > Dashboard > Quick Links lists
    • Home Page > Dashboard > Expanded lists of card views
    • Home Page > Items To Reorder
    • Sidebar Menu > Inventory Transactions
    • Sidebar Menu > Inventory Information


Uplift Controller Homepage to aggregate relevant information

Update the Controller home page for better navigation. The decision was made to design a set of links to frequently used pages within the Controller job description.

Program/business class/process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to the Controller home page. View to make sure that all links navigate to the correct page/list. Make sure that all icons are not misleading in any way.
