Grant Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Public Sector Front End Split enhancement for Project Invoicing and Revenue

Add front end split logic to the generate project invoice action to invoice expenditures to the funding source entered on the originating expense transaction (honor front end split).

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContract business class.
  • Generate Project Invoices action.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Set FEG and Project Contract Front End Splits = true.
  2. Add a multi-funded contract.
  3. Add AP distributions using front end split and manual GL journals with no front end split.
  4. Run the Generate Project Invoices action. Ensure originating expense from AP honor funding source on the transaction when running invoicing.

Dependencies: Front End Splits must be enabled on the FEG and the project contract.


Add action to allow ability to change project employee labor schedule

There is a business need to change employees from a biweekly to a weekly labor period. We allow this. However, when making the change there is a skip in pay periods to be able to process labor distribution.

In addition you are unable to see processed records for the employee for the previous labor schedule.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Labor schedules

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Change employee from one labor schedule to a different labor schedule.


Add new action to ProjectFundingSourceDeliverable to send notification deliverable is due/overdue

Agencies that award grants may require research institutions to deliver products of the project. Grant personnel may be responsible for delivering invention reports, technical reports, equipment reports, patent disclosure reports, or other deliverables defined by the sponsor. This enhancement is to create an expiring deliverables list and a new Send Due Date Notification action to the person responsible.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSourceDeliverable business class

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Access a finance dimension 2 posting level dimension where the type is external grant.
  2. On the Deliverables tab, add deliverables where the due date is greater than 30 day old and/or due date within the next 30 days.
  3. Access Funding Source Deliverable list on the Project Contracts menu and select the Generate Email Notification action.
  4. Verify that email is sent to the responsible person's work email.

Dependencies: Email will be sent to person responsible employee's work email. Maintained in GHR.


Add new field Pre-Award ID field to Project and FinanceDimension2 business class

Customers want to track third party pre-award system grant identification number in CloudSuite.  Add new fields to both Project and Funding Source (FD2). Add fields to dimension upload business classes and forms.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project
  • ProjectUpload
  • FinanceDimension2
  • FinanceDimension2Upload

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open a posting project.
  2. Upload project, posting finance dimension 2, and finance dimension 2 upload forms.
  3. Ensure that the new field, Pre-Award ID, is available for update.
