
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Speed Entry post date issue

When invoices are created, the post date must use the last date use to make the invoice a speedy entry. Without the last date use, keying errors occur. If unnoticed and when users try to key invoices back to a prior month or year, the invoice, and most expenses, default to the wrong month.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

If the speed entry distribution date is personalized, verify that the invoice is using the default post date from the invoice header.


Indicator on conditionally required fields

Display a red asterisk on conditionally required fields in Payables invoice.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Verify that the red asterisk is displayed for these conditional fields:

  • Vendor
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
  • Number of Recurrences (if Recurring Frequency is selected)


Enhance FES distribution to validate expense

The FES distribution action is not validating if the expense date falls within the funding source begin and end date. Enhance FES distribution to validate expense is valid for funding source dates.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

FES Distribution actions

To test the enhancement:

Change funding source end date to end prior to Payables Invoice date. Run FES Distribution or Release invoice and ensure the funding source and related funding group sources are skipped.


Add future address to vendor records

Added Change Address link to vendor records to save the vendor's future addresses.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Vendor
  • Vendor Contact

To test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Manage Vendors.
  2. Select a specific vendor and open the record.
  3. On the Main tab, click the Change Address link.
  4. Sprcify a future date in the Effective Date field.
  5. Provide a different address and click Save.


Speed Entry not visible

Speed entry invoices are not visible to anyone except for the person who created the invoice.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • APManagerInvoicesPage
  • PayablesInvoiceSpeedEntry

To test the enhancement:

Sign in as Payables Manager and verify that the Speed Entry records are visible.


Generate IDM Chargeback form updated

The Generate IDM Chargeback action form has been updated to conform to SOHO 4 UX standards. Changes include fields distributed in two columns to reduce scrolling in the Include section.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Verify that you can create and schedule the Generate IDM Chargeback action.


Bill Of Exchange lists and forms updated

Updated the UI for lists and forms to fit SoHo 4 standards. Lists and forms are found under Bill of Exchange in the Payables Manager role.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GeneralLedgerJournalControl.busclass
  • JournalizeGroupResult.busclass
  • BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate.bustask
  • BillOfExchangeGeneration.bustask
  • PayablesBillOfExchange.busclass
  • PayablesBillOfExchangeDistribution.busclass

To test the enhancement:

Ensure that the changes do not negatively impact usability.


Payment Processing action forms updated

The action forms under the Process Payments and Process Month End menu have been updated to conform to the SoHo 4 UX standards. Changes to the forms include fields distributed in two columns to reduce scrolling. These are the updated forms:

  • PerformCashRequirements
  • PaymentClearingFileCreation
  • ElectronicPaymentFileCreation
  • ProofOfDeliveryStatements
  • InvoiceAccrualReconciliation
  • UnmatchedInvoiceList
  • PurchasingAndSalesJournal

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashRequirementsResult
  • ElectronicPaymentCreation
  • InvoiceAccrualReconciliationReport
  • PaymentClearingFileCreation
  • ProofOfDeliveryNotification
  • PurchasingAndSalesJournal

To test the enhancement:

Verify that you are still able to create, schedule, and run these actions.


Process Tax DOcuments List updated

Updated the UI for lists and forms to fit SoHo 4 standards. Lists and forms are found under Process Tax Documents in the Payables Manager role.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CombinedReportableIncomeResult.busclass
  • NonPayablesReportableIncomeAdjustment.busclass
  • PayablesInvoiceWithholding.busclass
  • US1099OutputHeader.busclass
  • TaxAnalysisReport.bustask
  • TaxLogHeader.busclass
  • TaxTransaction.busclass

To test the enhancement:

Ensure that the changes do not negatively impact usability.


Vendor Statements form updated

The Generate IDM Chargeback action form has been updated to conform to SOHO 4 UX standards. Changes include fields distributed in two columns to reduce scrolling.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Verify that you can create and schedule the Vendor Statement action.


View Processing Monitor list updated

Updated the UI for the Payables Processing Monitor Form to fit SoHo 4 standards.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Ensure changes do not negatively impact usability.


Voucher Reference Report List updated

The Voucher Reference Report List has been updated so users can use single select on the list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Verify that you can single select records on the Voucher Reference Report list.
