Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add Reversal Invoices list to Project Contract menu

Currently, the invoices list only includes records with invoice type equal bill and retainer. Add ability to query invoice reversals.

Program/business class/process affected:

Add a new list reversal invoices to the Project Contract menu so users can more easily query any invoice reversals. Add Journalize Group as a column to aid in more easily querying reversals by the GL journal group.

To test this enhancement, reverse an invoice and verify that it is included on the Invoice Reversals list.


Project Invoicing and Revenue


Add option to Reverse and Delete when running project reversal actions including Reverse Invoice, Reverse Revenue and Reverse Indirect Burdens

Add option to Reverse and Delete when running project reversal actions including Reverse Invoice, Reverse Revenue and Reverse Indirect Burdens. This enhancement will streamline the reversal process by allowing the ability to execute both reverse and deleting by running a single action.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project Contract Invoice Reversal, Revenue Recognition Reversal, and Indirect Burden Reversal

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Reversing Invoices and Revenue at the individual contract to verify that the records are deleted when reversed when the parameter to delete the reversal is checked. Also the Indirect Burden Reversal mass job and individual action also delete the records when the parameter to delete the reversal is checked.


Ability to reverse a run group of indirect burdens where the run group is a mixed of created and journalized records

Accommodate the situation where an indirect burden run group has a mix of created and journalized records. Allow delete of the run group only deleting the records in created status leaving the journalized records.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Indirect burdens

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Have an indirect burden run group with multiple records with some in journalized status and some in created status. Reverse some of the jounralized records to get them in a created status.
  2. Run the mass job to delete indirect burdens.
  3. Enter the run group and optionally the posting project. Records that were in a created status for the run group (and posting project if entered) are deleted leaving the journalized records.


Add tabs to request new posting project form

Add tabs across the top of the request new posting project form.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. The request new posting project form will now have tabs on the form across the top. The tabs replace what was under the headers in the old layout.


Move some of the fields on the project create form to try to reduce the amount of scrolling.

Move some of the fields on the project create form to try to reduce the amount of scrolling.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Move some of the fields on the project create form to try to reduce the amount of scrolling. All of the fields are still on the form but some of them have been moved to different places on the form.
