Infor Document Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

New IDM attributes for Advanced Dunning Letter

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • DunningLetterHeader
  • IDM

Use these steps to test the enhancement:


  1. Select Company > Use IDM Template flag enabled
  2. Assign templates


  1. Create batch and then create transaction and then release it
  2. Perform Company Aging Report.
  3. Perform Payment Close and journalize.
  4. Perform Receivable Activity Summary.
  5. Perform Advanced Dunning letter selection.
  6. Perform Advanced Dunning letter file generation.
  7. Go to IDM and view the new attributes.


Add IDM Attributes for Basic Dunning Letter

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • DunningLetterHeader
  • IDM

Use these steps to test the enhancement:


  1. Select Company > Use IDM Template flag enabled
  2. Assign templates


  1. Create batch and then create transaction and then release it
  2. Perform Company Aging Report.
  3. Perform Payment Close and journalize.
  4. Perform Receivable Activity Summary.
  5. Perform Basic Dunning letter selection.
  6. Perform Basic Dunning letter file generation.
  7. Go to IDM and view the new attributes.


Include View link for the XML of Inter Company Billing IDM sample template

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • SampleDocumentTemplate

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Intercompany Billing Specialist role.
  2. Select Setup > Sample Invoice Templates.
  3. Filter the IDM templates with Customer Bill To.
  4. Click the view link for XML.


Payment Output File Header and Detail User Interface changes when using IDM

Print actions in Payment Output File Header will only be available when all Payment Output File Detail have documents linked to it. This is only applicable in Always attached and Separate Remittance options.

For Overflow Remittance option, Print Remittance Advice action will be available when at least one detail record have document. It is advisable to wait for all the document generation to complete before executing this action.

New columns (Has Check IDM Document and Has Remittance IDM Document) on Payment output file detail list were included for monitoring and filtering purposes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payment Output File Header
  • Payment Output File Detail
  • Print Check action in Payment Output File Header
  • Print Remittance Advice action

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that these print actions are available in Payment Output File Header:
    • Print Check Action
    • Print Remittance Advice.


Vendor Statement Running Balance

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • VendorStatements
  • VendorStatementDetail

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select Payables Manager > Setup > Customer Document Setup.
  2. Download the new IDM template.
  3. Update the IDM Template for Vendor Statement.
  4. Run Vendor Statements job.
  5. Verify that the generated report has the new Running Balance column.
  6. Verify that the balances for each vendor are correct.


Update IDM versioning to 2021.10

IDM Config Version should be in sync with the CU number (20XX.XX) it goes out with.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IDM
  • idm-configuration.xml

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

To verify the IDM Test Connection, import idm-configuration.xml in Document Management (Requires IDM-Administrator role)

  1. In Document Management, go to Control Center by clicking the gear icon from the homepage.
  2. Under Administration group, select Import/Export.
  3. On the import tab, use the file selector to select the latest idm-configuration file. Click the Import button.


  1. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Supply Management > Shared Processes > IDM Configuration.
  2. Open a record or create a record.
  3. On the Connection tab, perform "Test Connection."