Invoice Matching

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

EDI810 MatchInvoiceInterface - Only one invoice line allowed for each purchase order line should be summed into one invoice line

Current the match interfaces (EDI, Match Interface, and Document Interface) will error if there are 2 lines in the interface for a single PO line. It does not have the ability to combine the lines.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Match Invoice Interfaces

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the match interfaces (EDI, Match Interface, and Document Interface) have the ability to combine the lines. For example, if the interface invoice has 2 lines for a single PO line, one for quantity 3 and one for quantity 7, it will combine the lines and once interfaced the invoice line will have quantity of 10.

Note: It will only combine lines that match on item, vendor item, unit cost and unit of measure.


Match Prepayments not posting tax distributions prior to match as required for regulatory reporting and compliance

Enhance match prepayment process for inventoried items to create tax transactions at release/payment instead of match time.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Invoice matching

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that tax transactions for match prepayment inventoried items are created at release or payment (depending on tax point) instead of at match

Note: if variances exist between the PO line and the invoice line at match time, the distributions will be reversed and redistributed to the correct accounting


Released Invoices That Cannot Be Paid Need Alert Or List On Payables Menu

Adding an alert on the invoice lists to warn if an invoice has open match messages, which would prevent the invoice from being processed for payment.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice - various lists

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Note: If you have any personalizations/configurations to the APManagerReleasedPayablesInvoiceList you will need to Reset to see the changes

  1. Match Company > Messaging > Reconciliation Match = Yes
  2. Create a Match Invoice against a Purchase Order.
  3. Change the Amount of the line to create a Match Message, Accept Work In Smart Recon, enter Reason Code, Save and Release.
  4. Work List For Reconciliation, move the Invoice and Receipt up, Create Set, see discrepancy, Match.
  5. A Reconciliation Match, Match Invoice Message is created – do not respond to it.
  6. Manage Invoices > Released tab – A Yellow alert should display on the released invoice list “Open match messages exist”


Add "Move to Maintenance" option to EDI Match Invoice Interface

If the EDI810 match invoice interface terminated in Async the user did not have a way to resolve the issue.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • EDI810 Match Invoice Interface

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. An action "Move to Maintenance" has been added to EDI810 Match Invoice Interface Interface Input.
  2. Verify this actually (against the invoice header) correctly moves the header and all detail records to the match interface maintenance where user has the ability to edit records.

This allows the user, should the EDI810 interface job fail, to move the relevant EDI Match Invoice Interface Input to maintenance and requeue the job since that invoice will not be part of the records being processed.


PO Cost Message improvements

PO Cost messages did not provide visibility into relevant changes on the purchase order line or other invoices.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Invoice Matching / Cost Messaging

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify there are alerts on Match Invoice PO Cost messages if there are unit cost changes on the purchase order line or cost messages for the same PO line on other invoices.

If there are multiple invoices with messages for the same item for the same Purchase Order - we display a Blue Alert “Cost messages for this item exist on other invoices; view on other messages tab". The Blue Alert will display on the lists and on the message when opened.

When you go to the Other Messages tab you can check the line and click on Update to open the other message and take action.

First message reviewed will have no information other than there is another message.

Second message does show the action taken on the first message and includes the Reason Code.


4.0 Payables Invoice Add On Charges Change Order Of Miscellaneous Account and Amount

When adding a miscellaneous add on charge on a match invoice, the account normally defaults and is rarely overridden, but is in the middle of the list and causes a lot of extra tabbing.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Invoice matching

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the miscellaneous add on charge list on a match invoice is more user friendly.


Buyer InterfaceErrors needs to be visible on Review Messages for Application Admin and Purchasing Manager

Buyer InterfaceErrors must be visible on Review Messages for Application Admin and Purchasing Manager.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Viewing interface errors

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create interfaced purchase order related invoice records with errors (business class is PayablesInvoiceDetailImport)
  2. Sign in as a user with the PurchasingManager_ST role
  3. Open the Review Messages menu item and select the Interface Errors tab. Expected results: The PO-Invoice errors is visible on the tab.
  4. 4. Also test for a user with the ApplicationAdministrator_ST role.
