User experience

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

SoHo 4 UX - Physical Inventory Lists & Forms - UI enhancement

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • bl/PhysicalInventorySelect.busclass
  • ui/PhysicalInventorySelect.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select Physical Inventory > Manage Select IDs > Bin Groups.
  2. Verify that the Bin Group Select and Bin Group radio buttons are displayed.


Warehouse Clerk - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Action Forms

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • modules/ic/bl/ParInventoryWorksheet.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/bl/ParLocationValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/IFRSFIFOPeriodEndValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryAccuracyProgress.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryAvailabilityReport.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryBinLabelExport.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryForecastVariance.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryGrossMarginReturnOnInvestment.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryIssueSummaryReport.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryProductTransferResaleReport.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryReorderAdvice.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryStockStatusReport.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/InventoryVarianceExplanations.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/MarketInventoryValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/ParInventoryWorksheet.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/ParLocationValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/PeriodEndValuation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/ic/ui/RequestingLocationUsage.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/wh/ui/WarehouseBatchAllocation.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/wh/ui/WarehousePackingListPrint.bustask 4996/1
  • modules/wh/ui/WarehousePickListPrint.bustask 4996/1

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Warehouse Clerk.
  2. Open all of the business tasks that are listed in the section above.
  3. Test for all of the scenarios that are described in the document attached to this ticket in Jira.
  4. Verify that all of the fields are aligned and that the action comments in the attached document are satisfied.


Controller - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization

Identified and updated called-out actions bars in the user Controller that were not meeting new CSF SOFO Uplift standards.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AccountingUnitSecurityGroup
  • FinanceDimensionSecurityGroup
  • GLJournalTemplate
  • GeneralLedgerTranslationRate
  • AssetBookDisposal
  • CurrExchangeRate
  • GeneralLedgerCompanyGroup
  • GeneralLedgerCompanyGroupMember

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the Daily Rates and Period Rates lists in Currency Setup follow the new called-out action standards.
  2. Verify that the Accounting Entity Security Group and Accounting Unit Security Group list in Global Ledger Security set follow the new called out action standards.
  3. Verify that the Journal Template list in Journal Template Processing follows the new called-out action standards.
  4. Verify that the Company Group list in Global Ledger Company Group follows the new called-out action standards.
  5. Verify that the Gain Loss list in Asset Disposal follows the new called-out action standards.


Uplift InterEntity Payables and Receivables report

Improved InterEntity Payables and Receivables MultiPanel list:

  • More screen space for the Transactions and Totals lists.
  • New tabs for users to select either Payables or Receivables Transactions and Totals.
  • New card list to display Entities.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AccountingEntity
  • GeneralLedgerTotal
  • GeneralLedgerTransaction

Use this step to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the CardView list shows Entities.
  2. Verify that the appropriate record for either Payables or Receivables Totals and Transactions is displayed when you select the corresponding Payables and Receivables tabs.


Add Requester/Buyer/Vendor Name to Buyer and Purchasing Manager lists

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProcurementTemplateParticipant
  • PurchaseOrder
  • PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementMessage
  • PurchaseOrderAndLineAddOnCharge
  • PurchaseOrderBuyerMessage
  • PurchaseOrderLine
  • PurchaseOrderRevision
  • ItemLocation

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the Buyer Name and Vendor Name are added to Open Purchase Order from Purchase Request and the Purchase Order search list.
  2. Verify that vendor name is added to the My Open Purchase Order Lines to Receive list.
  3. Verify that the vendor and vendor name are added to Line search list.
  4. Verify that the buyer name and the vendor name are added to Purchase Order Acknowledgment Message list.
  5. Verify that the requester name and the buyer name are added to the Procurement Template Participant list.
  6. Verify that the vendor name is added to the Purchase Order Inquiry By AOC list.
  7. Verify that the buyer name is added to Purchase Order Buyer Message list.
  8. Verify that the buyer name is added to the Acknowledgment for Page list.
  9. Verify that the vendor name and buyer name are added to the Potential Obsolete list.


Purchase Order - display required indicator for conditionally required fields

Required fields do not consistently display red asterisks.

The following Purchase Order cases are highlighted:
  • DefaultOperatingCompany

    when (DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultSourceDocument is entered).

  • DefaultRequestingLocation

    when (DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultOperatingCompany is entered,

    or DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultSourceDocument is entered).

  • DropshipAddress

    when (Dropship = true

    and (ShipToLocation.DefaultDropshipPurchaseOrder = false,

    or ShipToLocation.PostalAddressForPurchaseOrder not entered).

  • DropshipName

    when (Dropship = true

    and (ShipToLocation.DefaultDropshipPurchaseOrder = false,

    or ShipToLocation.NameForPurchaseOrder not entered).

  • ProcessLevel

    when (Company.RequireProcessLevel = true

    and ((PurchaseOrder exists, and PurchaseOrderLifeCycleState.Unreleased)

    or TransientFromSourcing = false).

  • NatureOfTransactionCode

    when (PurchaseOrderLifeCycleState.Unreleased

    and (IntrastatProcessing.DoIntrastatReporting = true,

    or PurchaseOrder exists.

  • RetainageFirstPercent

    when (RetainagePercentCompleteTracking.PurchaseOrderLevel).

  • RetainageUpToPercentComplete

    when (RetainagePercentCompleteTracking.PurchaseOrderLevel).

  • RevisionsInclude

    when (Issued = true

    and HasRevision = true,

    and not RevisionsInclude.NotApplicable).

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PurchaseOrder

What should be tested for this enhancement?:

  • Test the entire Purchase Order lifecycle, including the following:
    • Verify the required indicator is displaying correctly for conditionally required fields.

Update Soho XI Controls to Latest Version

The Soho XI controls used by RSS needed to be updated to a newer version.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • RSS - Requisition Self Service

Use this step to test the enhancement:

  1. Test all functionality in RSS to make sure that issues were not introduced by updating the Soho XI controls.
