Global Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Added Override Currency Rate table to System Closing Control

Override CurrencyTable was not available at SystemClosingControl, as part of this enhancement we have added Override CurrencyTable for GL.

Program/business class/process affected:








SystemClosingControl.busclass both ui and bl classes


Use this information to test the enhancement:

Set up an override Currency Table for GL:

  1. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Global Ledger > Setup > FinanceEnterpriseGroup > Maintenance.
  2. Open the selected FEG.
  3. Go to the SystemClosingControl from the AccountingEntity panel.

These are a few scenarios:

1) Currency rate table shall default for manual journal entry upon Saving the record from the System Control if the GL system code record exist in Accounting Entity.

2) You can override the currency rate table for manual journal entry by selecting the currency rate table from the list after saving at journal entry header.

3) Currency rate table shall default from the Finance Enterprise Group if the GL control records not available at the System Control (Accounting Entity). This is the current application behavior.

4) Currency rate table default for the Interfaced transactions based on the selection of currency rate table at the time of Interface Transactions.

5) Currency rate table defaults are from the Finance Enterprise Group for revaluations and Translation journals.

6) Currency rate table shall default from the parent InterEntity journal for the auto created InterEntity journal.

7) Currency rate table shall default from the ISD (Infor Spreadsheet Designer)

8) Currency rate table should default from the System Control even if the budgets are enabled for all the above scenarios.


Enable Allocations to use Default To Value from Structure Relations

Currently, we only support the use of default to values from structure relations for optional dimensions in allocations by selecting the Treat blank dimension as a cleared check box. This enhancement extends the functionality for required dimensions.

Program/business class/process affected:

Allocation Line, Allocation Line Override, Allocation Line Override Set Detail

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Verify that the required dimensions in the allocation run result are populated based on defaults from structure relations if the Treat blank dimension as empty check box is selected in the From/To mapping tab.


Support Life To Date and Year To Date calculation with the Process Posting Dimension Balances option

Life To Date and Year To Date is not available when Process Posting Dimension Balances is selected.

Program/business class/process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an Allocation Line.
  2. Enable Life To Date or Year To Date.
  3. Enable Process Posting Dimension Balances. Verify that this combination is allowed.


Support summary dimension elements in Lazy Activation templates

Lazy activation only supports posting dimension elements and not summary dimension elements.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • BudgetTemplate
  • BudgetGroup

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a lazy activation budget template and enable one or more dimensions with Budget Identifiers.
  2. Set the BudgetIdentifier on one or more summary dimension elements for each of the template's summary dimensions.
  3. Create two GL journals, A and B, each having transactions that match a Budget Group in the template . They must also contain posting elements that are children of the summaries that are set above.
  4. Release journal A.
  5. Lazy Activate the template.
  6. Confirm that the Budget Group matching a transaction in A includes the Amount in its Obligations.
  7. Confirm that the Budget Group matching a transaction in B includes the amount in the Amount field of a pending update in the group's Pending Updates tab.
  8. Release journal B. Confirm that the Budget Group that matches a transaction in B includes the amount in its Obligations. Confirm that the pending update is removed.
  9. Change the Budget Identifiers in one or more of the summary elements above. Confirm that the summaries are displayed in the template's Pending Remove tab. Verify that transactions that affect a Budget Group, including these summaries, continue to be processed as above.
  10. Run ProcessPending or ProcessPendingRemove. Now, all Budget Groups that contain the relabeled summaries should be removed and transactions that affect a removed Budget Group are no longer processed for editing.
  11. Restore the Budget Identifiers. Verify that the summaries are in the template Pending Members tab, but transactions that affect the removed Budget Group are still not processed for editing.
  12. Run Lazy Process Pending. When complete, a Group is only restored if there are released or unreleased GL Transactions, unreleased GLCommits or change request lines, or released GLCommits with nonzero LastCurrAmountDiff referencing it. Create and release a transaction similar to A if a matching group was not restored. Confirm that it is processed as above.
  13. Removing or adding a child of one of the labeled summaries should show the summary in the Pending Recalculates tab, but the Lazy Process Pending should not be available. A Deactivate and a LazyActivate is required to calculate the summary.


Fund Accounting_Cash Fund Balances need to be updated with GL and Allocations also

For Fund Accounting, Fund Balances need to be edited and updated for General Ledger Postings. This will include interfaced transactions, manually entered journals, recurring journals and allocations.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • AllocationRun
  • AllocationTransactionDetail
  • CompanyCashCode
  • GeneralLedgerJournalControl
  • GeneralLedgerTransaction
  • GLTransactionInterface
  • RecurringJournalControl
  • RecurringJournalSchedule
  • RecurringJournalTransaction

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Set Fund Accounting on Finance Enterprise Group. Set Cash Code to Edit Available Funds.
  2. Set up Cash Code Funds with amounts.
  3. Verify that funds are edited and updated when releasing/processing/interfacing general ledger transactions.


Relabeling of Lazy Template, Prime Activation and Pending Template Update

Relabel 'Lazy' related fields,flags, menu item and Pending Template Update (menu item and tab name)..

Program/business class/process affected:


































Testing considerations are as follows:

1. Verify that in the BudgetTemplate screen the field "Lazy Activation" is changed into "Selective Budget Groups Generation on Activate".

2. Verify that the "Lazy Activate" action in BudgetTemplate screen is changed into "Activate".

3. Verify the parameter field when doing "Activate" for "Selective Budget Groups Generation on Activate".

3.1. From 'Maximum Budget Groups During Priming' to 'Maximum Budget Groups To Be Generated From Each Option'.

3.2. From 'Prime From Budget' to 'Generate Budget Groups with Budget'.

3.3. From 'Prime From History' to 'Generate Budget Groups From Transaction History'

3.4 Order of the parameter fields are changed into Generate Budget Groups with Budget, Generate Budget Groups From Transaction History, and Maximum Budget Groups To Be Generated From Each Option.

4. Verify that Pending Template Update is changed to Pending Obligations.

4.a. Pending Template Update Menu - in Budgeting Menu

4.b. Pending Updates Tab - in Budget Template

4.c. Pending Updates Tab - in Budget Groups

5. Verify that the new menu Budget Document is visible for Budget Analyst and Budget Controller roles.

5.a. Budget Document contains the Budget Edit Batch,, Transactions For Selective Activation, and Pending Obligations menu items.
