Informe de uso del artículo crítico

Para acceder a los informes del panel Uso de artículo crítico, seleccione Gestión de inventario > Uso del artículo crítico.

Elemento de informe Atributos del área de asunto de transacciones de inventario
Código de ubicación de inventario Inventory Location.Inventory Location Code
Clase de compras principal Item.Purchasing Major Class
Clase de compras secundaria Item.Purchasing Minor Class
Número de artículo Item.Item
Descripción del artículo Item.ItemDescription
Fecha Time.Date
Ubicación de pedidos Transaction Attributes.Requesting Location
Unidad de medida de existencias Item.StockUOM
Cantidad Measures.ICT Quantity
Uso de 3 días (cálculo de informe)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))))
3 días antes de uso (cálculo de informe)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-6,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Uso promedio de 30 días (cálculo de informes)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-30,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Transacción de inventario
Transaction Attributes.Inventory Transaction
Filtros creados en el informe