Bestandsstandortcode |
Inventory Location.Inventory Location Code |
Übergeordnete Einkaufsklasse |
Item.Purchasing Major Class |
Untergeordnete Einkaufsklasse |
Item.Purchasing Minor Class |
Artikelnummer |
Item.Item |
Artikelbeschreibung |
Item.ItemDescription |
Datum |
Time.Date |
Anfordernder Standort |
Transaction Attributes.Requesting Location |
Lager-ME |
Item.StockUOM |
Menge |
Measures.ICT Quantity |
Verwendung 3 Tage (Berichtsberechnung) |
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))))
Verwendung letzte 3 Tage (Berichtsberechnung) |
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-6,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Durchschnittl. Verw. 30 Tage (Berichtsberechnung) |
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-30,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Bestandstransaktion |
Transaction Attributes.Inventory Transaction
Filter in Bericht integriert |
Company.Company |