تعريفات قوائم الانتظار وعمليات الربط
إذا كانت بيئتك متعددة المستأجرين، فسيتم إنشاء قوائم الانتظار الافتراضية تلقائيًا لكل منطقة بيانات. على سبيل المثال، DefaultQueue_<DataArea>
. وإذا كان لديك سابقًا قائمة انتظار افتراضية واحدة فقط، فسيتم إنشاء قوائم انتظار افتراضية إضافية لمناطق بيانات التطبيق. والإعدادات لكل قائمة انتظار افتراضية إضافية موروثة من قائمة الانتظار الافتراضية الأصلية.
إذا كانت بيئتك عبارة عن مستأجر واحد أو مقر عمل، فلن يتم إنشاء قوائم الانتظار الافتراضية لكل منطقة بيانات. ولإنشاء قوائم انتظار افتراضية لكل منطقة بيانات، قم بإنشاء معلّمة تكوين في منطقة بيانات البيئة:
- الفئة: حدد المزامنة
- المفتاح: حدد قائمة انتظار افتراضية حسب منطقة البيانات
- النوع: حدد القيمة المنطقية
- القيمة: حدد القيمة الحقيقية
يمكنك تعطيل معلمة التكوين في بيئة متعددة المستأجرين من خلال إعداد حقل القيمة إلى خطأ.
عند إنشاء قوائم انتظار إضافية، تكون قيمة الحد الأقصى للإجراءات النشطة الافتراضية هي قائمة الانتظار الافتراضية الحالية. نوصي بتسوية هذه القيم وفقًا لحمل المعالجة الخاص بك.
نوصي بأن يتم إلغاء تحديد مربعات الاختيار معلق أو حفظ السجل أو قائمة انتظار النظام في جميع قوائم الانتظار. واستثناءً لذلك، يمكن تحديد مربع الاختيار معلّق لـ NightDeferredProcessing. يمكنك تحديد قيمة حقل الحد الأقصى للإجراءات النشطة للإشارة إلى عدد الوظائف التي يمكن تشغيلها بالتزامن. ويعتمد عدد الحد الأقصى للإجراءات النشطة على أداء النظام الخاص بك.
اسم قائمة الانتظار | الوصف | الحد الأقصى للإجراءات |
التخصيص | التخصيص | 3 |
AnalyticCube | إعادة تحميل/تحديث المكعب التحليلي | 1 |
BudgetEdit | عمليات تحرير الموازنة لا يمكن للحد الأقصى للإجراءات النشطة أن يتجاوز 1 |
1 |
BudgetEditCallBack | استدعاء تحرير الموازنة | 1 |
BudgetTemplateActivation | تنشيط قالب الموازنة | 3 |
CTMForecast | توقعات إدارة النقدية والخزانة | 3 |
CTMReconciliation | تسوية إدارة النقدية والخزانة | 3 |
CTMTreasury | مالية إدارة النقدية والخزانة | 3 |
CTMUpdateCube | مكعب تحديث إدارة النقدية والخزانة | 1 |
CashDistributionProcessing | معالجة التوزيع النقدي | 3 |
CashLedgerImports | Cash Ledger Import Process | 3 |
CashLedgerProcessing | معالجة دفتر الأستاذ النقدي | 3 |
CashPeriodEnd | نهاية فترة النقدية | 3 |
CloseManagement | إدارة الإغلاق | 3 |
Contracts | صف انتظار العقود | 3 |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | عكس تلقائي للمعاملات | 2 |
لا ينطبق | قائمة الانتظار الافتراضية التي أنشئت تلقائيًا بواسطة البيانات areaDefaultQueue_<DataArea> | 4 |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | صف الانتظار التلقائي لملفات العمل | 3 |
قائمة انتظار النسخ المتماثل البيانات | قائمة انتظار النسخ المتماثل | 2 |
DocumentQueue | قائمة انتظار المستندات | 4 |
EDI | صف انتظار معالجة تبادل البيانات إلكترونيًا | 1 |
GLQuickPost | ترحيل سريع لدفتر الأستاذ العمومي | 1 |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | إزالة GLTransactionDetail | 3 |
GLTransactionInterface | واجهة معاملات دفتر الأستاذ العام | 3 |
GrantAccounting | صف انتظار محاسبة المنحة | 1 |
InventoryIntelligence | قائمة انتظار تحليل معلومات المخزون | 1 |
InventoryTransaction | إصدار معاملات المخزون | 3 |
Journalize | القيد اليومي في دفتر الأستاذ العام | 3 |
MatchProcessing | معالجة المطابقة | 1 |
NightDeferredProcessing | Nightly | 1 |
OnlineJournalRelease | إصدار دفتر اليومية مباشرة | 1 |
Payables1099Processing | معالجة المدفوعات المستحقة 1099 | 3 |
PayablesBOEProcess | عملية كمبيالة المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesCubeUpdate | تحديث مكعب المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | معالجة توزيع DefaultQueue_Payables | 3 |
PayablesImport | معالجات استيراد المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | معالجة فاتورة المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesMassUpdates | تحديثات شامل للمدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesPaymentProcess | عملية دفع المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayblesPeriodEnd | نهاية فترة المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
PayablesTaxProcessing | معالجة ضريبة المدفوعات المستحقة | 3 |
Posting | Posting Action | 3 |
Posting Release | ترحيل قائمة الانتظار لـ ChangeStatusAndRelease | 3 |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | كيانات الأساس لخصائص العملة | 3 |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | صف انتظار تقدير فوترة المشروع وإيراداته | 1 |
الخصومات | الخصومات | 1 |
الاسترداد | الاسترداد | 1 |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | معاملات الربح والخسارة | 3 |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | خسارة أرباح عملة | 3 |
SpendAnalysis | تحليل الإنفاق | 1 |
SupplyChainImport | عمليات استيراد سلسلة الإمداد | 3 |
YearEndClose | إغلاق نهاية سنة الأساس | 1 |
ZoneBalance | إجراء معاملات توازن المنطقة | 1 |
هذه هي عمليات ربط قوائم الانتظار المقترحة لـ Financials and Supply Management.
نوصي في جميع تعيينات قائمة الانتظار بأن تُترك هذه الحقول فارغة أو تحتوي على القيمة الافتراضية: الممثل ومنطقة البيانات وحقل التعيين 1 وحقل التعيين 2 وحفظ السجل والأولوية.
وتكون هذه هي الاستثناءات:
- تحتوي قائمة الانتظار الفارغة ومنطقة بيانات الإجراء على اسم منطقة بيانات Financials and Supply Management الخاصة بك
- حقل التعيين 1 لقائمة انتظار GeneralLedgerTotal هو PostingCategory
قائمة الانتظار | فئة التطبيق | الإجراء |
Allocation | AllocationControl | RunLines |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetStepStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | SetCompletedStarted |
Allocation | AllocationRun | GenerateReportsInternal |
Allocation | AllocationLine | RunLine |
Allocation | AllocationLine | Check |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Refresh |
AnalyticCube | AnalyticCube | Reload |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotals |
BudgetEdit | BudgetTemplateGroupTotal | EditTotalsBudget |
BudgetEditCallBack | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | BudgetEditCallBackRelease |
BudgetEditCallBack | PayablesInvoice | UpdateBudgetResults |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetGroup | CalculateGroupsByCluster |
BudgetTemplateActivation | BudgetTemplate | DoGroupsByAccount |
CTMForecast | BankStatementLine | GetForecastTransactions |
CTMForecast | CashForecast | BuildForecastNew |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountByCategory |
CTMForecast | CashForecastCategory | CalculateForecastAmountForAllCategories |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriod | CalculateForecastAverages |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateActualAmountsOnForecast |
CTMForecast | CashForecastPeriodAmount | UpdateAmount |
CTMForecast | CashManagementGroup | LoadDirectForecast |
CTMForecast | DirectForecastDetail | SummarizeDirectForecastDetail |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | ClearAllReconciliations |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | InvokedLoadAndReconcileUnreconciled |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatement | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | LoadLinesIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementLine | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteOpenTransactionLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | DeleteStatementReconciliationDetails |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileLinesByAmount |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnmatchMatchedSummaryTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateInterfacedCBTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UpdateReconciledPendingBankTransactions |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | ReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | BankStatementReconciliation | UnReconcileSetAction |
CTMReconciliation | CashForecastDetail | LoadDetailsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashLedgerTransaction | LoadCBTransIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount |
InvokedLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcile |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | MassLoadAndReconcileSet |
CTMReconciliation | CashManagementAccount | ReconcileStatementLines |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ApproveAllStatementDistributionsByLine |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | LoadTransactionsIntoReconciliation |
CTMReconciliation | NonCashLedgerTransaction | ReleaseAllStatementDistributions |
CTMTreasury | BankStatement | UpdateBankStatementTotalBalanceOnly |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterface | ImportBatch |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader |
ImportAll |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | ImportValidation |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementInterfaceHeader | PurgeHistory |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | CreateForecastActuals |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ExecuteTransactionProcessingRules |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | LoadBankStatementPosition |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | ReclassifyUncategorizedLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateBankStatementTotal |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateCategorizationGroup |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateExceptionStatusForAllLines |
CTMTreasury | BankStatementLine | UpdateForecastsForActualBankTransactions |
CTMTreasury | CashManagementAccount | MassUpdateCurrencyRates |
CTMTreasury | PayablesInvoicePayment | LoadOpenPaymentDetails |
CTMTreasury | PurchaseOrder | LoadOpenPurchorderDetails |
CTMTreasury | ReceivableInvoiceDetail | LoadOpenReceiptDetails |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateCashManagementCubes |
CTMUpdateCube | CashManagementGroup | UpdateDebtManagementCube |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | BankStatementLineDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | CashLedgerGLDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
CashDistributionProcessing | NonCashLedgerDistribution | RejectAllStatementDistributions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerTransactionImport | InterfaceCashLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerPaymentImport | InterfaceCashPayments |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReceiptImport | InterfaceCashReceipts |
CashLedgerImports | CashLedgerReturnedPaymentImport | InterfaceReturnedCashPayments |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerBankUpdate | UpdateLedgerTransactions |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction | EFTRejectUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | CreateBatchApproval |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | PaymentProcessingHoldMassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerPayment | TemporaryHoldUpdates |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | MassUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | CashLedgerTransaction | VoidStopPayUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | EFTExtractUpdate | EFTExtractUpdate |
CashLedgerProcessing | PaymentOutputFileHeader | PurgePaymentOutputRecords |
CashLedgerProcessing | PositivePayFileCreation | PositivePayFileCreation |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport | StaleDatingAndEscheatmentReport |
CashLedgerProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing | StaleDatingProcessing |
CashPeriodEnd |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
BankCompanyPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | BankPeriodClose | BankPeriodClose |
CashPeriodEnd | CashPositionReconciliation | CashPositionReconciliation |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriod | ChangeStatusToScheduled |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | CreatePrereqsFromSchedule |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessDetails |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | DeleteProcessSummary |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | OpenPeriodDetailSet |
CloseManagement | ClosePeriodTask | UpdateSummaryScheduleDates |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | Schedule |
CloseManagement | CloseTask | ScheduleSet |
Contracts | ContractDistributorPricingMember | SetToReleased |
Contracts | ContractGPOItemExtract | AddLinesForNewContract |
Contracts | ContractGroup | ManageInterfacedContractsFromGPOInformation |
Contracts | ContractImport | CheckForNewAndUpdatedItems |
Contracts | ContractImport | FindNewContractDates |
Contracts | ContractImportDistributor | CreateAndUpdateDistributorContracts |
Contracts | ContractImportGPOMembership | ProcessNewMembers |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | AddMembersToContractSet |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | ProcessUpdatedParticipants |
Contracts | ContractImportTierMember | UpdateContractTiers |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ActivateLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | BatchReleaseMembersArray |
Contracts | ContractLine | CheckForErrorsLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CloseAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateContractLinesFromContract |
Contracts | ContractLine | CreateDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | DeleteAllLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | ErrorsOnlyLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllContractLinesFromReject |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | HoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | LineRenewalRelease |
Contracts | ContractLine | RecallContractLineQuery |
Contracts | ContractLine | ReleaseLineEdits |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateAmendment |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllContractLinesReactivateDraft |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllManufacturerLinesOnly |
Contracts | ContractLine | RemoveHoldAllRelatedDistributorContractLines |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCanUseForCostDefaultingFalse |
Contracts | ContractLine | SetCreateDistributorContractLine |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateBaseCostByPercent |
Contracts | ContractLine | UpdateEffectiveAndExpirationDate |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CheckForNewTierCosts |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | CreateContractFromImportLines |
Contracts | ContractLineImport | ProcessContractImportLinesUpdates |
Contracts | MfgContractMemberPivot | CreateDistributorPricingMembers |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateAutoReversePeriodTransaction |
CreateAutoReverseTransaction | GLTransactionDetail | CreateDetailsForJournalTransaction |
DefaultWorkfileQueue | WorkFile | لا ينطبق |
EDI | TranslateInbound | لا ينطبق |
EDI | TranslateOutbound | لا ينطبق |
GLQuickPost | GeneralLedgerTransaction | Post |
GLTransactionDetailPurge | GLTransactionDetail | PurgeHistoryDetail |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | DeleteBudgetEditRecords |
GLTransactionInterface | GLTransactionInterface | InterfaceTransactions |
GrantAccounting | GLCommit | UpdateToReleased |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CreateEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteAllEncumbrances |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DeleteEncumbranceIndividual |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | DistributeIndividualLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | ApproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UnapproveAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | UncertifyAllEffort |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | CopyAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectAssignmentLabor | RedistributeAllLabor |
GrantAccounting | ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod | PopulateAllEffortPercent |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | DailyDataEngine |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | PurgeReplicatedRecords |
InventoryIntelligence | IIHGlobalConfiguration | RecommendationsEngine |
InventoryTransaction | InventoryTransactionLine | BatchRelease |
Journalize | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
Journalize | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
MatchProcessing | Chargeback | Chargeback |
MatchProcessing | MatchAnalysisReport | MatchAnalysisReport |
MatchProcessing | MatchDiscountPosting | MatchDiscountPosting |
MatchProcessing | AutoMatching | AutoMatching |
MatchProcessing | CostVarianceAnalysis | CostVarianceAnalysis |
MatchProcessing | ERSInvoiceCreation | ERSInvoiceCreation |
MatchProcessing | لا ينطبق | OpenReceiptArchive |
MatchProcessing | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived | PrepaidInvoiceNotReceived |
MatchProcessing | MatchInvoiceMessage | OverrideAuthorityCodeAndPriority |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | LoadUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueue | Reload |
MatchProcessing | MatchReconQueueFinanceResource | DeleteUserBatch |
MatchProcessing | MatchRule | SetRuleOrders |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkInvoiceDetail | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | SelectAll |
MatchProcessing | MatchWorkReceiptLine | DeselectAll |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildRebatesForMatchedInvoiceLines |
MatchProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDetail | DeleteUnmatchedRebateInvoiceLines |
OnlineJournalRelease | GeneralLedgerTransaction | CreateGLTransactionDetail |
OnlineJournalRelease | GLTransactionDetail | JournalizeTransactions |
Payables1099Processing | TaxIdentificationNumber | TaxIdentificationNumber |
Payables1099Processing | US1099OutputHeader | PurgeUS1099OutputRecords |
Payables1099Processing | US1099TapeCreation | US1099TapeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeBankStatement | BillOfExchangeBankStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement | BillOfExchangeCashingStatement |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeCashingUpdate | BillOfExchangeCreation |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeDistribution | BillOfExchangeDistribution |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeGeneration | BillOfExchangeGeneration |
PayablesBOEProcess | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate | BillOfExchangeStatementUpdate |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | UpdateSendCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | PayablesInvoicePayment | UpdatePayablesCube |
PayablesCubeUpdate | VendorGroup | UpdateAPInvoiceAutomationCubes |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributions |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | JournalizeDistributionsForGroup |
PayablesDistributionProcessing | PayablesInvoiceDistribution | PopulateSpendCategoryDetail |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | EDIInvoiceMatchInterfaceInput | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceDistributionReport | MatchDistributionLoad |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | MatchInvoiceReport | PostLoadInterface |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceAddOnChargeImport | SpreadAddOnChargeLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDetailImport | InvoiceDetailLoad |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceDistributionImport | LoadInterfaceDistributions |
PayablesImport | PayablesInvoiceImport | InterfaceInvoices |
PayablesImport | VendorBalanceImport | VendorBalanceInterface |
PayablesImport | VendorImport | VendorInterface |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate | PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | FinanceResourceInvApproval | DeleteInvoiceApprovalAssignments |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust | MassRetainagePaymentAdjust |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BatchMatchSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildSmartReconciliationQueue |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | BuildTextIndexSetAction |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | InvoiceHoldMassUpdate |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | MassInvoiceRelease |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SaveDocumentLocallySet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | SuperDeleteInvoiceRange |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | PayablesInvoice | UpdateDocumentURLSet |
PayablesInvoiceProcessing | ProofOfDeliveryNotification | ProofOfDeliveryNotification |
PayablesMassUpdates | MassVendorUpdate | MassVendorUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | PayGroupUpdate | PayGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | ProcessGroupUpdate | ProcessGroupUpdate |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorBalanceRebuild | VendorBalanceRebuild |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorGroupCopy | VendorGroupCopy |
PayablesMassUpdates | VendorMerge | VendorMerge |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClose |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashPaymentRegister | CashPaymentRegister |
PayablesPaymentProcess | CashRequirementsResult | PerformCashRequirements |
PayablesPaymentProcess | ElectronicPaymentCreation | ElectronicPaymentCreation |
PayablesPaymentProcess | PaymentClearingFileCreation | PaymentClearingFileCreation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceAccrualReconciliationReport |
PayablesPeriodEnd | InvoiceProcessingStatistics | InvoiceProcessingStatistics |
PayablesPeriodEnd | PayablesPeriodClose | PayablesPeriodClose |
PayablesPeriodEnd | RecurringInvoiceUpdate | RecurringInvoiceUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnmatchedInvoiceList | UnmatchedInvoiceList |
PayablesPeriodEnd | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation | UnrealizedGainAndLossCalculation |
PayablesPeriodEnd | BankAccountPaymentHistory | BankAccountPaymentHistory |
PayablesPeriodEnd | FinancialReportingUpdate | FinancialReportingUpdate |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd | VendorBalanceYearEnd |
PayablesPeriodEnd | VendorStatements | VendorStatements |
PayablesTaxProcessing | Vendor | BatchUpdateWithVertexTaxAreaId |
PayablesTaxProcessing | VendorLocation | BatchUpdateTaxCodeUsingVertex |
Posting | GeneralLedgerTransaction | BatchPost |
ترحيل Release | GeneralLedgerJournalControl | ChangeStatusAndReleasedFlag |
ProcessCurrencyBasis | AccountingEntityHierarchy | ProcessCurrencyBasisEntity |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | FinanceEnterpriseGroup | InitiateJournalizeForRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | GenerateIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | HoldBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | Project | RemoveHoldFromBillableTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteContractRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | DeleteRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ForecastBillingAndRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | GenerateRetainageInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | JournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | RecognizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizedInvoices |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | ReverseJournalizeRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitForApprovalReverseJournalizedRevenue |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoiceReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitInvoicesForJournalizeApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitJournalizedRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContract | SubmitRevenueReversalForApproval |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectContractInvoices | DeleteInvoiceRecords |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | JournalizeIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | ReverseIndirectBurdenTransactions |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | DeleteRunGroup |
ProjectInvoicingAndRevenue | ProjectIndirectBurdenTransaction | RemoveBurdenAPHold |
Rebates | ContractGroup | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForContractGroup |
Rebates | ContractRebateDueInvoiceLine | ReloadRebateInvoicesForQualifierChanges |
Rebates | ContractRebateQualifier | LoadSupplierRebateInvoices |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | BuildSupplierRebateJustCreatedInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoice | CancelledSupplierRebateInvoiceLines |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesAllContracts |
Rebates | PayablesInvoiceDetail | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForCompany |
Rebates | PurchaseOrderLine | BuildAllRebatesContractRebateDueInvoiceLinesForOneContract |
Rebates | PurchasingCompany | LoadAllRebateInvoicesForCompany |
Rebates | VendorReturn | BuildReturnRebateInvoiceLines |
Recall | RecallNotice | CloseResolvedNotices |
Recall | RecallNotice | RebuildRecallNoticeTextIndexes |
Recall | RecallProductItem | ProductActivityQuery |
RevalTranslCreateGainLoss | GainLossTotal | CreateGainLossTransactions |
RevalTranslProcessGainLoss | GeneralLedgerTotal | ProcessGainLoss |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateBuyerRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCommodityCodeItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationBuyerItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateCompanyLocationRequestingLocationItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateDiverseCodeVendor |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | ConsolidateUNSPSCItem |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | PurgeInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | InvoiceLineFact | UpdateUnreleasedInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoice | LoadInvoiceLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PayablesInvoiceDetail | ExportToPoInvLineFact |
SpendAnalysis | PurchaseOrderLine | ExportToPoLineFact |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImport | InterfaceInventoryTransactions |
SupplyChainImport | InventoryTransactionImportLineDetail | InterfaceInventoryTransactionLineDetails |
SupplyChainImport | POReceiptAdjustmentAndInspection | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImport | InterfacePurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLine | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderImportLineDistribution | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLineDistributions |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrderLines |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderInterfaceInput | LoadInterfacedPurchaseOrders |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptImport | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineAOCImport | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | PurchaseOrderReceiptLineImport | ReceiptLineLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptAdjustmentInput | InterfaceAdjustmentsAndSubstitutions |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | AddOnChargeLoad |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | InterfaceReceipts |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | PostLoadInterface |
SupplyChainImport | ReceiptInterfaceInput | ReceiptLineLoad |
YearEndClose | AccountingEntityHierarchy | YearEndClose |
YearEndClose | GeneralLedgerTotal | YearEndClose |
ZoneBalance | GeneralLedgerZoneTotal | ProcessZoneBalancingTransactions |