Adding colors through the color palette

  1. At the Colorways tab, click the Add Colors from Color Palette icon.
  2. You can add colors by searching or from the list.
    1. To search for a color, specify this information:
      Search by
      Select whether to search by color or color palette.
      When searching by color, specify a color name, color code, or pantone.

      When searching by color palette, specify a color palette code or color palette name.

    2. Click the Search icon.
      If you selected Color in the Search by field, the color palette where the color belongs is shown. If a color belongs to multiple color palettes, all of these palettes are displayed. Colors that are not being searched for are not displayed in the matching color palettes.

      If you selected Color Palette in the Search by field, all color palettes that match your search criteria are displayed.

    3. Select a color or color palette.
  3. Click ADD.