Developing materials

Materials pertain to cloths and fabrics that you use to create a style. In the application, you define a material for a style by defining its attributes and specifying its composition and construction.

This table shows the required tasks to develop materials in the application:

Task Description
Manage materials This task covers these functions:
  • Creating, editing, and copying materials.
  • Creating and generating SKUs.
Define material attributes This task covers these functions:
  • Assigning colorways to materials
  • Assigning images to materials
  • Assigning characteristics to materials
  • Assigning care symbols to materials.
  • Assigning partners to materials
Specify material construction This task covers these functions:
  • Defining knit construction
  • Defining woven construction
Implement compliance tests This tasks covers these functions:
  • Adding compliance tests to materials
  • Defining compliance tests for materials
Integrate materials with ERPs This task describes how to view imported and exported style information from ERP systems in the application.