Adding costing for style colors

Some supplier partners do costing at style and style color level. In some cases, the costing for a style differs for certain colors. You can add costing for colors for supplier partners

Note: You can only add a costing column at color level if costing column at style level for the supplier exists.
  1. To add style colors for costing, add the same partner that you have added previously.
    1. Click the Partner icon.
    2. Drag a partner to the Cost Elements grid.
    3. You are prompted whether to add style color costing for the partner. Click YES.
      You can only select from pre-selected style colorways. If you need more colors, add these colors to the style colorways.

      See Assigning colorways to a style.

    4. In the Add Style Color window, select colors to add for costing.
    5. Click OK.

    If you click No, another column for that partner is added without any color defined.

  2. Click Save or press Alt+S.
    Note: You can edit colors for the costing column unless that column is locked.