Following up on styles

You can follow up on the progress in developing styles by using critical paths. Identifying the critical path for a style enables you to monitor the status of activities related to its development and track deadlines. A critical path that is attached to a style will be tagged as at risk if at least one of the tasks is not yet complete and already behind the due date.
  1. On the style details page, click the Follow Up icon.

    The Task pane is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Critical Path icon.

    The Critical Path Library is displayed.

  3. Select a critical path then click Add.

    The selected critical path is displayed.

  4. To set the progress of the critical path, click the round buttons on the Progress column.
    Note:  Users need to click the progress columns multiple times to change the state. Each click will move the path to the next state.

    Dates, including the start date, end date, and milestone due date, remain editable.

  5. Optionally, you can personalize your view. Click the More button and then select Set Columns.

    The Show/Hide window is displayed.

  6. Select the columns that will be displayed.
  7. Click Close.
  8. To save the view, click the More button and then select Save Current View.

    The Save Current View window is displayed.

  9. Specify this information:
    Select New.
    Specify the name of the view.
  10. Optionally, select the Update Workflow toggle to override the default workflow for each task.
    Note: This option is available only if your user role contains the required permissions.
    1. If you enabled Update Workflow, specify this information:
      Specify the name of the workflow.