Creating the bill of operations
Define the bill of operations for your style by adding existing operations or operation lists or by creating operation specifically for your style on the BOO page.
- On the style details page, click the BOO icon.
- Specify this information:
- Main
- Select to designate this BOO as the main version.
- Name
- Specify the name of this BOO version.
- Style Name
- This field displays the name of the style.
- Status
- Select a status from the list.
- Average Hourly Rate
- Specify an average hourly rate. Specifying the average hourly rate enables you to update the hourly rate when the Overwrite button is clicked.
- Quantity
- Specify the quantity.
- Overwrite
- Optionally, select this check box to overwrite the average hourly rate.
- Price Per Piece
- This field displays the calculated price for each piece, where Price per piece = Total SAM Cost (Base) / Quantity
- Valid for BOM Versions
- Select a BOM version for which this BOO is applicable.
- Version Exchange Rate Reference
- Select a version exchange rate that applies to this BOO.
Add operations to this BOO.
- Click the Add Operations/Operation List icon to add existing operations to the BOO.
- Click Add New Row to create operations for the style on the BOO page.
For each added operation, specify this information:
- Operation List
- This field displays the name of operation list if operation is added through an operation list.
- Seq #
- This field displays the sequence number of the operation. Drag and drop operations beside each other to rearrange the sequences.
- Placement
- This field displays the placement of the
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, select a placement from the list. Placements are a generic lookup type and can be defined in Generic Lookup.
- Sub #
- This field displays the sub sequence number of the operation.
- Calculate Cost
- Select the check box to calculate the Standard Allowable Minutes (SAM) cost.
- Operation Code
- This field displays the operation code.
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, specify the operation code.
- Operation Name
- This field displays the operation name.
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, specify a name for the operation.
- Image
- This field displays the image for the
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, click the Add Image icon on the Selection Operations section toolbar to add an image to the operation.
- Description
- This field displays the description for
the operation.
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, provide a description for the operation.
- Operation Type
- This field displays the operation type.
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, select the operation type. Operation types are a generic lookup type and can be defined in Generic Lookup.
- Operation Group
- This field displays the operation group.
If you created an operation record in the operation list details page, select the operation group. Operation groups are a generic lookup type and can be defined in Generic Lookup.
- Number
- Specify a number for the operation list.
- This field displays the number of standard allowable minutes (SAM) for this operation list. If underfined, specify a value for the SAM.
- Hourly Rate
- Specify the hourly rate for this operation.
- Currency
- This field displays the currency for the hourly rate. If undefined, select a currency from the list.
- SAM Cost
- This field displays the cost for the standard allowable minutes of this operation list based on the SAM value and the hourly rate, that is: SAM Cost = Number * ((SAM / 60) * Hourly Rate).
- Cost Currency
- This field displays the same currency that you specified for the hourly rate.
- Efficiency %
- This field displays the efficiency percentage. If undefined, Specify a value for the efficiency percentage.
- Status
- Select a status from the list.
- This field displays the number of stitches per inch (SPI). If undefined, specify a value.
- Seam Allowance
- This field displays the seam allowance. If undefined, specify a value.
- Free Field 1
- If undefined, use this free field to specify information about this operation that does not fall under any defined field.
- User Defined Field 1
- If undefined, select a value from the list. You can create user-defined values for operations in Generic Lookup.
- Skills
- If undefined, select a skill from the list. Skills are a generic lookup type and can be defined in Generic Lookup.
- Setup Time
- If undefined, specify the setup time for this operation.
- Man/Machine
- If undefined, specify whether Man, Machine, or Man/Machine is responsible for this operation
- Click Save.
- To add a BOO version, click Add Version (the plus sign icon near the BOO version name).