Tagging layers as image categories for a master image

You can tag layers in an Adobe Illustrator canvas as image categories for a master image. Before you start, ensure that you have selected the canvas that corresponds to the master image.

If you use the Tag Document button while working on an image under an image category that is not associated to any master image, a new master image will be created and the existing image will be added as a layer on the canvas. This layer will be uploaded as a new image in its corresponding image category and is associated to the new master image.

  1. In the CloudSuite PLM for Fashion extension window, expand Master Image and click Tag Document.
  2. Select the applicable image category. The corresponding image category sections are displayed.
  3. On the applicable image category, right-click the image category folder under each image section to rename the layer or to add sublayers.
    Note: You can associate an existing layer to an image category by specifying the name of the existing layer.
  4. Click OK.
    The specified layer, if existing, is associated to the corresponding image category.

    The specified layer, if not existing, is added as a new layer on the canvas and is associated to its corresponding image category.