Specifying style measurements

To specify a style's measurements, you must define basic measurement information and then associate POMs to the Measurements page of the style. You can do this in three ways:

  • Create POMs manually on the Measurements page of the style record.
  • Add POMs from a grade rule.
  • Add POMs from the Point of Measure library.
  1. On the style details page, click the Measurements icon.
  2. Specify this information:
    Size Range
    From the toolbar, select an available size range to create or view measurements for each size range.
    Select this check box to set the selected size range as the main size range. The sample page tab in Measurements depends on the main size range selected for a specific style.
    Sample Size
    Select a sample size. Available sample sizes depend on the size range you selected for the measurement.
    Tolerance Format
    Specify the tolerance format.
    Select a status from the list.
    Grade Rule Format
    Select a grade rule format. The grade rule format determines how the values of a grade rule are presented on the page.
    • Select the Relative format to compare a size value with previous size values in sequence.
    • Select the Absolute format to compare a size value to the sample size value.
    • Select the Multidimensional format to compare the sample size value to sizes with the same base or reference value. Each reference value compares to the previous size values in the sequence. This format is available only for multidimensional sizes.
    Measurement View
    Select a measurement view from the list.
    Fraction Denominator
    If you select Imperial Fraction as the measurement view, select a fraction denominator from the list. This field enables you to decide the accuracy level of measurement values.
  3. Select an image.
    • Click Add from local files to select an image from your local computer.
    • Click Add from library to select an image from the document library of the application.
After defining the basic information of a style measurement, you must add POMs to the Measurements page of the style record.