Creating tasks

Create tasks in the application to specify activities that must be done to make progress in product development. Tasks are defined for specific users and roles. You can define tasks as parallel, which means they must be accomplished at the same time, or as sequenced, which means that one task must be completed before proceeding to work on another.

  1. From the menu, select Tracking > Task.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the task.
    Provide a description for the task.
    Select a status from the list.
    Activity Type
    Select an activity type from the list. Activity types are a generic lookup type and can be defined in Generic Lookup.
    Lead Time
    Specify the lead time for this task.
    Work Load
    Specify the work load for this task.
    Specify the buffer for this task.
    Select a role from the list. Available options depend on the roles that are defined by your application administrator.
    Select a user from the list. Available options depend on users that are mapped to the selected role.
    Select an entity for this task.
    Specify name of workflow as defined in ION Desk.
  4. Click Save.