Adding a required field component

A required field component allows you to define more required fields on top of system defined ones. You can add a required field component for Save events only.
  1. In the Setup section, click the Add Business Rule Components icon.
  2. In the Business Rule Component pane, select Required Field, then click ADD.
  3. Click the Business Rule Components Property icon.
  4. Specify this information:
    Click to set this rule as active. By default, this field is selected.
    This field is populated by default. Specify a name.
    This field is populated by default. Specify a description.
    Specify a sequence number.
    Select a field from the list. The contents of the field depends on the selected Sub Scope.
    Use Custom Failed Message
    Click if you want to have a custom error message displayed.
    Custom Failed Message
    Specify the custom message.
  5. Close the Properties Pane, then click Save.