Configuring extension settings

  1. On the Adobe Illustrator menu, select Window > Extensions > CloudSuite PLM for Fashion Extension.
  2. On the Extension dialog box, click the Settings icon.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a language from the list.
    Workspace folder
    Specify a folder path. The folder must be a local path that is accessible to Adobe Illustrator.

    Adobe Illustrator (.ai) files are temporarily saved in this folder.

    Note: The name of the workspace folder must not contain spaces.

    A forward slash must be used on the folder path instead of a backslash.

    For example, in Windows, C:/CSPLMF/AIFiles/, and in Mac OSX, /LocalFolder/CSPLMF/AIFiles/.

  4. In the Image Generation Settings section, specify this information:
    Horizontal dpi
    Specify the horizontal dpi.
    Vertical dpi
    Specify the vertical dpi.
    Image Quality %
    Specify the image quality.
    Generate PDF
    Select the check box to generate a PDF file version of the AI file uploaded to a style or material.
    Note: The PDF file is also uploaded as an attachment to the style or material.
  5. Click Save.