Context (right-click) menus

Context menus are commonly known as right-click menus, because they are displayed by typically right-clicking a record, page, or menu. In CloudSuite PLM for Fashion, context menus are used in application records and in grid or column headings.

Context menu options for application records

This table describes available context menu options in a record listed on a grid page:

Function Description
Edit Edits an existing record.
Copy Copies an existing record.
Delete Deletes an existing record.
Jump To Opens a record and takes you directly to a specific page tab.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Mass Update Mass updates style records.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Mass Create Request Mass creates requests for a record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Create Request Creates requests for a record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Mass Replace BOM Mass replaces the record in BOM with another record that you specify.
Note: This option is available for material and trim records only.
SKU Displays the SKUs page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Favorites Displays options to create, add records, and go to Favorites page.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Packs and Pre-packs Displays the SKUs page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Generate Report Displays the report generation page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Export to Excel Exports data records on Grid page to Microsoft Excel. All lines or only selected lines in a page can be exported. Only items in the current page can be exported.

Context menu options for column headers in a grid

Function Description
Group by this Column Arranges records by column group
Freeze Makes the column stationary during scrolling