Creating views

Note: Exercise caution in removing default fields and sections from views. Once removed, these default fields and sections cannot be added back to the view. You must repeat the entire task and copy again a system-defined view.

You cannot add fields or containers that are not inherent to the page.

Personalize system-defined views by first identifying the page type, the view type, and the data context of the view. The information that you specify in this task determines available personalization options for the view that you are creating.

Subviews that contain required fields cannot be removed from main views.

  1. From the menu, select Admin > Manage Views.
  2. Select a system-defined view to copy and personalize.
  3. Click the Copy icon.
  4. Optionally, select the Copy only required fields check box to use only required fields for the entity view.
    If you do not select the check box, all fields in the system-defined view will be copied.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the view.
    Page Type
    Select a page type:
    • Select Details to create a personalized view of a data record.
    • Select Listing to create a personalized view of a grid page.
    View Type
    Select a view type:
    • Select Main View to create a parent layout. This view type contains the layout of an entire page, and can contain multiple sub views. For example, the system-defined view for Grade Rule is a main view.
    • Select Sub View to create a child layout. This view type is used in the context of a parent layout, and can be reused across multiple page views. For example, the system-defined view for Color Values is a sub view that is used in the context of the main view of Colorway Details.
    Optionally, provide a description for the view.
    Show Design Outline
    Optionally, select the check box to show page borders.
    Data Context
    Select the entity that will serve as the source of data to be displayed on this view.