Managing images and documents
In CloudSuite PLM for Fashion, you can manage images and other documents that you need to use for your products through the Document Library. Use the Document Library to store your files and then later on assign them to records in the application, such as a product attribute, style record, or care instruction.
When you preview an image, its filename is displayed on the lower left of the image preview. For PDF files, the first page of the PDF file is displayed in the Preview column of the Document Library list page, and in the details page.
Annotated images are clearly marked in the Document Library list page, in the details page, and in Infor Document Management (IDM). You can also filter the Document Library list page to show annotated images only.
You can use the search function to search for a document or image using values that came from different sources, including system-defined fields, selected fields from Infor Document Management, and extended fields. You can associate extended fields to the Document Library. See the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion Administration Guide.
You can also create a custom view based on the standard Document Library layout.
See the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion Administration Guide.
Infor Document Management-related fields in the Document Library are read-only. Retrieval of information from Infor Document Management is done every hour. The start time depends on the minute the document service is restarted after your environment is upgraded.
When uploading 2D turntable files in IDM, the Type field in the Attributes section is not automatically filled up. You have to manually add the value TurnTable2D in the field if you want these files to appear in the CloudSuite PLM for Fashion Document Library when adding 2D turntable images in the Style Images tab.
You must also provide value to the Schema field in the Attributes for the uploaded 2D turntable file in IDM if you want to view that file in the Style Images tab. While a thumbnail is still visible in the tab, you cannot open the file in a pop-up window if you do not provide a value to the Schema field in IDM.