Name generator

Set up the name generator and define the generation rules. After the name generator is set up and a rule is active, the Name field becomes read-only.

You set up the naming rules by defining what fields can consist of a name, how long it is, and how contextual fields are separated. When you define a maximum length, it applies to the entire name, so the length of each field and the sum of the length of all fields that you define cannot exceed the maximum length.

  1. Select Setup > Name Generator.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the name generator rule.
    Specify a description for the rule.
    Max Length
    Specify the maximum length of the name to be generated.
    Select to make this rule active.

    There can only be one active name generator rule.

    Sample Format
    This field shows an example name format based on the contextual values that you set in the next steps.
  4. To configure settings for this rule, define contextual values. Click the Add New Row icon.
  5. In the Contextual Value table, specify this information:
    Seq #
    Select a field from the list.
    Use Code/Name
    Select Name or Code.
    Starting Value
    Specify the starting value for the field.
    Specify the length, should not exceed the value that you specified in Max Length.
    Specify a separator for each contextual value. You can use alphanumeric and special characters.
  6. To add more contextual values, click Add New Row and specify the fields.
  7. Click Save.
    If one of the fields in the contextual values has no value upon generating a name, this field is skipped and the generator proceeds to the next field's value. This way, displaying two separators together or showing a blank space then a separator are prevented.