Setting filters
Partner Collaboration enables you to filter the display of your requests for samples, quotations, and compliance tests by using criteria or conditions. This feature helps you trim down requests that you view on the application.
- On the request page, click the Grid Settings icon on the rightmost corner of the column headers and select Show Filter Row.
On the filter row, specify this information:
- Request ID
- Specify a request ID.
- Request #
- Specify a request number.
- Module
- Specify a module.
- Module Number
- Specify a module number.
- Module Name
- Specify a module name.
- Type
- Specify a sub type.
- Sub Type
- Specify a description.
- Supplier
- Specify a supplier.
- Audit Company
- Specify an audit company.
- Auditor
- Specify an auditor.
- Sample Code
- Specify a sample code.Note: This field is displayed only when the request is for samples or samples with cost.
- Sample Page Status
- Specify a sample page status.Note: This field is displayed only when the request is for samples or samples with cost.
- Main Contact
- Specify the main contact person for the request.
- Customer Main Contact
- Specify the customer main contact for the request.
- Work Status
- Specify a work status.
- Request Status
- Specify a request status.
- Request Date
- Specify a request date.
- Expected Audit Date
- Specify an expected audit date.Note: This field is displayed only when the request is for supplier compliance.
- Actual Audit Date
- Specify an actual audit date.Note: This field is displayed only when the request is for supplier compliance.
- Due Date
- Specify a due date.
Select any of these filtering conditions for each field:
Filtering condition Description Equals Displays records that contain the exact value that you specify Does Not Equal Displays records that do not contain the exact value that you specify
Contains Displays records that contain the value that you specify Does Not Contain Displays records that do not contain the value that you specify Is Empty Displays records that do contain a value for this field Is Not Empty Displays records that contain a value for this field Starts With Displays records that start with the value that you specify Does Not Start With Displays records that do not start with the value that you specify Ends With Displays records that end with the value that you specify Does Not End With Displays records that do not end with the value that you specify - On the request page, click the Filter Menu icon on the rightmost corner of the filter row and select Run Filter.
- Optionally, to remove filtering of records on the grid, click the Filter Menu icon and select Clear Filter.