Defining compliance tests for a material

After adding tests to the Compliance tab of a material, you must define conditions and requirements that will serve as the criteria in evaluating test results.

  1. On the material details page, click the Compliance tab to display the Performance Testing page.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select a condition from the list.
    • = requires the test result to be the exact value as the performance requirement.
    • < requires the test result to be less than the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    • > requires the test result to be greater than the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    • <= requires the test result to be less than or equal to the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    • >= requires the test result to be greater than or equal to the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    • <> requires the test result to be greater or less than the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    • Between requires the test result to be between the value that you specify as the performance requirement.
    Performance Req.
    Specify the performance requirement.
    Provide any additional comments on the compliance test.
    Issue Date
    Specify an issue date.
    Expiry Date
    Specify an expiry date.
    Drag and drop files to the Attachment column to save related files to a test method.
  3. Optionally, click the Material/Sourcing icon on the sidebar to view suppliers that are assigned to the item.
  4. From the Material/Sourcing pane, drag and drop a supplier to the Performance Testing page to associate a supplier to the compliance test.

    Test Result and Notes columns are added on the table for each selected color per supplier. If no color is added, Test Result and Notes columns for each supplier are added to the page.

    Note: The cells on the Test Result column is highlighted in red if the test result does not meet the required value of the compliance test.