Saving layouts

You can save customized layouts in Infor Fashion PLM. Saving your layouts enables you to view your modified panels, panes, filters, and column layouts at any time after closing and reopening the application.

Infor Fashion PLM also automatically saves the last active layout before you close the application,enabling you to retrieve and use the same layout.

  1. Click the Save Layout icon on the toolbar.
  2. Specify this information:
    Save Layout
    Select New to save your current layout.

    Optionally, to update any of the saved layouts to match your current layout, select a saved layout from the list.


    Specify whether the layout is private or public.

    A private layout is only available to the current user.

    Layout Name
    Provide a layout name.
  3. Click Save and Close.
    To activate a saved layout, select a saved layout from the list on the toolbar.