Creating generic lookup items

The Generic Lookup feature serves as the venue and repository for setting up field values in all modules. It is where users define values in lists, for example, Brand, Material Type, and Supplier Type.

  1. Select Setup > Generic Lookup.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a generic lookup type from the list.

    Specify a code.

    The code must be unique. Two or more items cannot have the same code.

    Provide a name for your generic lookup.
    Specify a description.
    Select Active or Inactive from the list.
    Note: You can change the status of a generic lookup item that is currently in use in a record. Inactive items are disabled for selection in the Style Overview window but are still displayed in the list.

    Specify a sequence number.

    The sequence number determines the order of importance of the generic lookup.

    System Defined
    The check box is selected if the generic lookup item is system defined.
    Note: Updating a system defined lookup item that is currently in use may affect the modules or processes that uses the generic lookup item.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close.