Creating currencies

You can create currencies to manage your pricing and purchasing transactions. You can create multiple currencies to identify the equivalent prices for products in different currencies.

  1. Select Setup > Currency.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify this information:

    Specify a currency code.

    The code must be unique. Two or more items cannot have the same code.

    Specify a currency name.
    Specify a brief description.

    Select Active, Inactive, or any user-defined status.

    You cannot use the currency for related functions, such as calculating exchange rates, if you set the status as Inactive.

    Specify the currency symbol.
    Base currency

    Select Yes or No from the list to set the currency as the base currency.

    Setting a currency as base makes it the default currency across the application.

    Drag and drop files to upload attachments related to your currency.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close.