Creating a migration task

By creating migration tasks, you can select database objects and identify the fields that can be mapped from the source database or file to the Infor Fashion PLM database.

  1. In the navigation pane, select Migration > Migration Workspace.
  2. Select a migration workspace from the list.
  3. Click New Task.
  4. Specify a task name.
  5. On the Source tab and the Destination tab, specify this information:
    Select a connection from the list.

    The list contains the database connections defined for the selected migration workspace.

    See Establishing database connection.


    Select a table from the list. For .csv, .xls, and .xlsx files, the available sheet names are displayed on the list.

  6. Select the fields that will be mapped from the source to destination.
  7. Click Save.
    The migration task is added on the Migration Tasks section.
  8. Optionally, modify the migration task properties on the Properties section.