Comparing costing among suppliers

You can compare prices that your suppliers offer and put them side by side your cost model. Because a supplier can offer more than one set of prices, Infor Fashion PLM enables you to add a single supplier multiple times, with each instance reflecting different prices for each cost element.

  1. On the Style panel, open a style record and click the Costing tab.
  2. Click the Style/Sourcing icon on the sidebar.
  3. From the Style/Sourcing pane, drag and drop a supplier to the Costing tab.
  4. To provide more details about the supplier, click the drop-down arrow on the column header.
  5. Optionally, specify this information:
    Select the check box to indicate that the supplier is active.

    Select the check box to lock the supplier's information and cost values from editing.

    A locked column enables you to keep the current cost information and, if the supplier column is associated to a BOM version, prevents updates to cost information from a BOM version.

    Lead Time
    Specify the lead time.
    Lead Time Unit of Measurement
    Select the lead time UOM.
    Minimum Qty
    Specify the minimum quantity.
    Quantity Unit of Measurement

    Select a quantity UOM.

    You can define UOMs in Generic Lookup.

    Delivery Method

    Select a delivery method.

    You can define delivery methods in Generic Lookup.

    Delivery Term

    Select a delivery term.

    You can define delivery terms in Generic Lookup.

    Country of Origin
    Select a country of origin.
    BOM Version
    Select a BOM version.
    Iteration # / Request ID
    Specify the iteration number.
    Free Field
    Specify any information in the free field as additional information.
    Costing Date
    Select a costing date.

    Select or clear Preferred.

    If you add the same supplier several times, this field enables you to decide which set of prices from the supplier is reflected on the Style Overview tab. Prices are reflected on the Style Overview tab if the cost elements are mapped to a cost field.

    Evaluation Status

    Select an evaluation status from the list.

    You can define evaluation statuses in Generic Lookup.

    Exchange Rate Type
    Select an exchange rate type.
    Note: You cannot specify an exchange rate type if this supplier column contains a BOM version, in which case the exchange rate type of the BOM version is used.
    Exchange Rate Date
    Select an exchange rate date.
    Note: You cannot specify an exchange rate date if this supplier column contains a BOM version, in which case the exchange rate date of the BOM version is used.
  6. Specify the supplier price for each cost element.
  7. Optionally, to filter the display of suppliers, select All Suppliers, Active Suppliers, or Inactive Supplier on the header information.
  8. Click Save or Save and Close.