Creating POMs in a grade rule

  1. In the Grade Rule table, select the POM line Click here to add a new row.
  2. Specify POM details:
    Select Default, Mandatory, or Optional.
    POM Code
    Specify a code.

    The code must be unique. Two or more items cannot have the same code.

    POM Name
    Specify a name for the point of measure.
    Provide a brief description for the point of measure.
    Select a part from the list. You can define parts in Generic Lookup.
    Drag and drop images from your local computer to the image holder to graphically represent your point of measure.
    Tol+ & Tol - / Tol ±
    Specify a numeric value to indicate the tolerance level of the grade rule.

    The number of tolerance columns depends on the tolerance format you select for the grade rule.

    Provide size values.

    The number of size columns displayed in the Grade Rule table depends on the size range that you specify in the grade rule details.

  3. Click Save or Save and Close.