Generating reports for Style, Material, and Trim

  1. On the Style, Material, or Trim panel, right-click a record and select Reports > Generate Reports.
    Alternatively, if the style, material, or trim record is open, click the Generate Reports icon.
    Note: You can generate reports using tagged favorites. To generate reports for your tagged report favorites, right-click a record and select Reports. Select a report favorite from the context menu.

    To combine reports for multiple records into a single file, multiselect records while pressing Ctrl on your keyboard, then right-click any of the selected records and select Reports > Generate Reports or the report favorite name.

  2. Select a report from the applicable reports in the Reports List section.
    Note: Each report type focuses on a specific set of item details. Available report types depend on the module that you selected.

    To combine multiple report types into a single file, multiselect report types while pressing Ctrl on your keyboard, then click OK.

    A preview of the report is displayed. You can now save, export, print, or send the report through email.

  3. In the File Properties section, select the path location where the report should be saved.
    Global Path
    Select this option to use the global file location that is shared with all users of Infor Fashion PLM.
    Favorite's Path
    This path displayed here is predefined in a report favorite. Select this option to specify a file location for a report favorite.
    Own Path

    Select this option to specify your own file location for saving reports.

    This section is only visible when generating reports for styles.

  4. Optionally, select the Print Preview check box.
  5. Click Generate.