Defining the bill of operations (BOO)

A bill of operations (BOO) is a list of work hours for completing tasks that are required to develop a product. Defining the BOO for your style enables you to monitor individual man hours that go into a job. The BOO also details the cost that goes to labor expenses.

You can define a bill of operations for your style by adding operations or operation lists.

See Defining operations.

See Creating operation lists.

  1. On the style details page, click the BOO tab.
  2. Specify this information:

    This field displays the name of the style.

    This field is automatically populated.

    Select the workflow status.
    Average Hourly Rate

    Specify an average hourly rate.

    The specified average hourly rate will allow you to update the hourly rate when the Overwrite button is clicked.

    Specify the quantity.
    Valid for BOM Versions
    Select a BOM version from the list.
    Exchange Rate info from Version

    Select the BOM version that contains the exchange rate to be used for the BOO.

    Price per piece
    Displays the calculated price per piece.

    Price per piece = Total SAM Cost (Base) / Quantity

    Note: If you change any values on the given fields, click Recalculate.
  3. From the main menu, open the Operation and Operation List panels.
    Float the windows and dock them to any side of the main window for side-by-side viewing.
  4. Drag and drop items from Operation and Operation List to the BOO panel.
    Operation field values are inherited from Operation or Operation List.
  5. To add notes about the BOO, provide your comments in the Notes section.