Remove resource intensive columns from the style grid

These resource intensive columns contribute additional time in loading the style module:

  • At Risk
  • Backlog (Activities)
  • Colorways
  • Completed % (Activities)
  • Critical Path
  • Precompleted (Activities)
  • Remaining (Activities)
  • Total Activities

You can remove these resource intensive columns from the default style grid settings by dragging and dropping. The removed columns are also removed from the backend, including all process related to them, therefore reducing the loading time in showing the style module.

Another way is to remove and then restore the resource intensive columns on the style grid.

Note: By-passing of backend process for resource intensive columns are only applicable for enabled pagination in the style grid.
  1. To remove a resource intensive column, drag and drop the column from outside the style grid.
  2. Right click on the style grid and select Save Grid Layout.
  3. Specify the Layout Name, and click Save and Close.
  4. To restore a resource intensive column, right-click on the style grid and select Show Column Chooser.
  5. Drag and drop the column in the style grid column line.
    Note: Restored column values will be initially blank or zero.
  6. Click the Refresh icon.
    Note: Refreshing the style grid re-loads and shows the restored details of the column.