Adding care symbols

  1. Select Basics > Care.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify symbol attributes:

    Specify a symbol code.

    The code must be unique. Two or more items cannot have the same code.

    Specify a symbol name.

    The symbol name must be unique.

    Specify a brief description.
    Care Group
    Select a care group from the list.

    You can define care groups in Generic Lookup.

    Select Active, Inactive, or any user-defined status.
  4. Drag and drop an image from your local computer to the image holder for the care symbol.
  5. In the Care Instructions section, select Click here to add new row.
  6. Specify this information:
    Select a language from the list.
    Specify care instruction details.
  7. Click Save or Save and Close.