Creating custom report types

You can create and customize report types in Infor Fashion PLM by using Report Designer. Customizing report types enables you to select information that will be included in the generated report.

  1. Select Setup > Reports.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify this information:

    Select a module from the list.

    The selected module will be associated with the report.

    Request Type

    Select a request type from the list.

    You can define request types in Generic Lookup.

    Sub Type

    Select a request subtype from the list.

    You can define request subtypes in Generic Lookup.


    Specify a code.

    The code must be unique. Two or more items cannot have the same code.

    Specify a name for the report.
    specify a brief description.
    Specify a sequence number.
    Select active or inactive.
    Is Private
    Select the check box to restrict the availability of the report to other users.
    Is Sub Report
    Select the check box to make the report available as an embedded report for other reports.
    Custom Datasource
    Select the check box to specify a data source for the report.
    Note: To view user defined reports that uses custom datasource and are not mapped to a style, material, or trim, on the Reports panel, right-click any report and select User Defined Reports.
  4. Click Launch Report Designer.
  5. Customize the new report by using the Reports Designer.
    Note: In the Report Designer window, you can modify the overview and construction fields of a report. You can add the intended fields in your report from the Field List selection. When you generate a report, the updates you created using the Report Designer will also be reflected in the record's Overview details.
  6. Select File > Save to display the Save Report dialog window.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To return to Infor Fashion PLM, close Report Designer.
    Note: For a style reports, you have an option to show the pantone code in the colorways section of the report instead of the color code. Customize the BOM report from the report designer to show the pantone code.