Cascading style measurement changes

You can cascade style measurement changes from the Master Page to sample pages. Cascading changes is only applicable when there are existing sample pages and if a sample page has a status of In-Process.

  1. On the Measurements tab of a style details page, click Summary.
  2. Change a measurement value of a POM.
  3. In the Cascade Changes - Master to Sample dialog box, select the sample pages where you want to reflect the changes and click OK.
    The Cascade Changes - Master to Sample dialog box contains these sample page details:
    • Sample Code
    • Request Sub Type
    • Sample Status
    • Linked Request
    • Linked Request Status
    Note: Only the sample pages that are not in Approved or Rejected status are the ones that can be viewed as options in the Cascade Changes - Master to Sample dialog box.

    If a style record has multiple size range or master pages, multiple cascade changes notification will be displayed for each master page.