Adding existing cost elements to a style costing

You can add existing cost elements that you have defined in the Cost Element panel.

  1. On the Style panel, open a style record and click the Costing tab.
  2. From the main menu, open Cost Element panel and dock it to any side of the main window.
  3. From the Cost Element panel, drag and drop a cost element record to the Costing tab.
  4. Optionally, specify this information:
    Note: You can change the details of the existing cost element if it hasn't been mapped to a BOM or price field.
    Cost Element Type
    Specify UX (User Exit), CO (Constant), Calculated (CA), or IN (Input).
    Drag and drop the cost element anywhere within the cost level to rearrange the sequence.
    Select a cost level.

    You can define cost levels in Generic Lookup.

    Specify a code.
    Specify a name.
    Specify a brief description about the cost element.
    BOM Version

    Select a BOM version.

    Available options depend on the number of BOM versions that you created for the style.

  5. Click Save or Save and Close.