Define the value of calculated cost elements

  1. On the cost model details page, double-click a cost element.
    Optionally, you can also select a cost element and click the Cost Element Properties icon on the sidebar.
  2. Specify your arithmetic expression in the given field.
    Calculated cost elements enable you to refer to other elements' values by using the code as the variable holder.
  3. To use available functions in your arithmetic expression, select one of the these options:
    • Abs

      Returns the absolute value of a specified number

    • Ceiling

      Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number

    • Floor

      Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number

    • In

      Returns whether an element is in a set of values

    • If

      Returns a value based on a condition

    • Max

      Returns the larger of two specified numbers

    • Min

      Returns the smaller of two numbers

    • Round

      Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places

    • Truncate

      Calculates the integral part of a number

  4. Click Use Function.
  5. To view the cost element value based on your arithmetic expression, click Evaluate Expression.
  6. Click Save.